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March 16, 2009

Formula One in a Go-Kart

I just picked up my text - which was delayed coming in - and we have a deadline on 8th April for the first assignment. Class hasn't even commenced yet - and we have just under 3 weeks before submission.

I don't know how to really address this lag. We are in a perpetual state of lagging. It's amazing that we actually got halfway - since there is always something or other that gets us behind and not ahead of schedule.

Perhaps this is what graduate school is all about - work which provides us income is the priority and school, which our jobs are paying for is just below that - so although we work real hard to pay our fees, we lag in getting things done. Sure, we eventually get the stuff submitted on time, but at what cost? Most of us would end up taking leave (for those in full-time employment) or not sleeping for a week before the assignment is due, just so we catch up on time management.

Every semester, we go through the same hell - rushing this, rushing that - did we all not learn anything at all? This time, although the late arrival of the text is not our fault, still doesn't solve our perpetual state of lag. It's like going for a Formula One race in a Go-Kart.

SO unless we have superb skills which doesn't depend very much on the engine, we are pretty much done for. We have lost the race even before the race has been flagged off. Discipline is one thing, reality another. My excuse is straightforward - I need time to wind down from work, before hitting the books - it's a 180-degree switch for my brains - which is quite a feat. The amount of time I need to do the actual switch would depend very much upon what erupted during work hours. Caffeine does help but it doesn't get the work stress to stop and park itself somewhere insignificant and allow the other study traffic to commence it's crawl.

I need a good formula one car - and frankly, after too many years, the body may be nice and shiny with lots of help from The body shop, but the engine, well and truly had.

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