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January 07, 2010

Leaving Mumbai

These are the last shots of Mumbai that I took, before boarding the flight home. The barriers are there so that only passengers are allowed into the terminal building. I took the picture on the right because there was a man standing on top of the vehicle, unloading bags - I have always been fascinated with this idea of using every part of the car possible.

We ordered sandwiches and coffee when we arrived there and although there wasn't a proper place for us to sit and eat, we managed to enjoy the meal anyways - which just told me that when there is a will, there is way - that when we are hungry, it doesn't matter if we had a comfy place to sit or not - it doesn't matter if we were consuming our sandwiches/burgers whilst the vehicles were just footsteps away from where we were standing. What mattered was, we made use of every second to bid our Hindustani friends goodbye.

Isn't that the bottom line?
That sometimes, we don't need controlled lighting or comfortable seats to make the moment memorable. All we need is the right attitude.
I left Mumbai and came home with one lesson learnt - always make the best of a situation - even when things don't go to plan, make adjustments and get the most out of the situation. Our experiences are as good as we want them to be.

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