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January 01, 2010

Haji Ali, Mumbai

This the Haji Ali seen from 'mainland' Mumbai just before you step onto the 'causeway' footpath.
Apparently, during the monsoon season, the causeway footpath is accessible only during the low tide. My trip there was during winter, so we were not affected by the tides, thankfully.
I was there the same day I arrived in Mumbai, on the 26th of December 2009.

There were many goats there - looked cute too and I couldn't resist taking a snapshot of them with my mobile phone camera.

The Haji Ali was packed and all women had to be 'covered' before allowing entry into the shrine. I saw many visitors, muslims and non-muslims alike.

For me, visiting Haji Ali was amazing, because it's like a huge kramat on an atoll - one would wonder how it stood the test of time and weather - it could do with a good upgrade, but importantly, it seem to be able to upgrade the humanity just by the beliefs and faith that the believers had.

I felt that, this was good enough for us all.
To have faith, to have hope and to believe that no matter how bad things may be, there is always something to look forward to.

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