June 29, 2007
Impulse Shopping & gender
Whilst the general male population would like to believe that women buy on impulse, guided by emotions, it doesn't apply when the purchase is that of a house/apartment. From the many cases, that is not true. When I'm house hunting for a male, I find it easier to seal the deal than when I'm doing the same for a woman. It's not because she's more emotional, but she really would bite only if it's value for money. It's easy to sell to a man - as long as the numbers seem right - he forgets the thousands he may need to spend to fix it up. A woman would see through all that, she's not afraid to be critical, she's not afraid to disagree and she won't commit until everything is balanced.
How does the impluse buying label get stuck to females when most spend hours just browsing the racks for the perfect dress? Many times I have heard men lament that they just walk into a store, pick up what they need, and LEAVE. Doesn't that amount up to impluse buying, when not much thought has gone into the decision making process? This is where I get confused on the labelling of females as impulsive shoppers.
Females do not shop on impulse. It's just a term coined by some because of their lack of understanding of why the shopping trip came about in the first place.
Sure, ladies would gladly spend an entire day in Harrods, just browsing, and may still walk out without a single purchase - that IS NOT an impulsive shopper, that is killing two birds with one stone:
First BIRDIE - visual exercise and gathering first-hand updates on trends
Second BIRDIE - quality and price tag match
If only we could all apply that to relationships as well - perhaps then there would be less heartaches! That would be another story, another day.
June 28, 2007
losing what you have gained
I just found out that whilst out on a hunt for worms, this old bird agreed with the young ones that any worms they found should be shared - the ground was hard and they were all going in different directions - sharing would be the best way to ensure that everyone's effort was pooled.
What I didn't know was, from this exercise, the old bird found a worm during that time, announced it to the rest as his personal find. Stupidly, when asked by one member, he responded that 'yes, this worm came from our field trip that day' - still no admission to splitting the spoils.
That greedy decision he announced so blatently, just cost him any respect he initially gathered. I have always been baffled about how he latched onto a worm, and yet could not actually reel it in....yesterday I got my answer - it was never his to begin with.
See, anyone could pretend to be a Royal Dust Mite, but if you've hijacked that mattress and are living in a corner, what makes you so sure the real Royal Dust Mites won't throw you off that mattress you never owned in the first place?
No matter what you do, if you don't have blue blood, you don't.
What's yours, YOURS.
When you think you've cheated successfully, you'll discover that you've lost more than you thought you gained.
June 27, 2007
Rest bug
We are all entitled to medical leave, but somehow, being in the business of sales and marketing, it's not always that simple to turn a deaf ear. I usually will take calls for as long as I can hold out. I didn't visit the doctor this time around, because he would have prescribed paracaetamol anyways.
I'm still feeling wonky, but less infectious. The fever's gone, but you know the virus is just working it's way out - the lethargy, stuffy nose. It's been awhile since I've been this ill, but well, once in a while, it's good to just sleep it off - I usually dread catching a cold even - because it's down time for me, but this time I didn't bitch that much.
My friends usually tell me, when I get sick it's because my body's telling me that I've gone past the limit - I tend to think that passing the limit is one thing, but when that goes in combination with getting caught in the rain, I'm done for.
So whatever the cause, I've done my 1.5 days in bed and am back in the office.
At the very worst, I'll spend this weekend napping again.
We should call this bug, the Rest Bug - because that's the only thing that gets rid of it!
June 22, 2007
Breeding & Dining
Frankly, I have always been the person, who appreciates gestures rather than equating everything according to it's monetary worth. However, in this case, I find this choice rather disgusting because he was bragging about having had dinner there with his wife and because dinner was so excellent, he was 'big-hearted' enough to bring the entire department there.
For the whole of my life, I never had to beg for food. God always provided for my meals, hawker, home-cooked, fine dining too. I will not sit at the same table as a low-life who hope to up his status because of his treat.
On principle, I would never let anyone (let alone a moron), have even a fraction of a second to gloat about anything, simply because it's never about where you dine that makes a well-bred person. You are either well-bred or not. No amount of grooming can change that, because once under pressure, you will automatically revert to become WHO you really are. In Psychology, that's our "Diathesis Stress Model".
Imagine dust mites in a palace - does that make them royalty?
June 21, 2007
Market or Greed
How does one decide to complete a purchase, when there is no set price?
This situation has become common in the real estate industry. Are the market forces really so dynamic that the prices are changing like the stock exchange? It's looking like my colleagues and myself have become a trader, instead of a property broker.
Imagine if you saw the price tag on a pair of shoes that read $80.
You try it on, it fits, you walk to the cashier, take out two $50-bills.
Then the cashier tells you, 'sorry, this pair actually costs $160.
That is not unethical, it may be sloppy work on the part of the shop OR simply cheating.
Ethics and cheating may emit similar negative vibes, but they are totally running on different tracks.
A colleague of mine was in such a predicament yesterday.
Words were exchanged and a buyer left Singapore upset.
The reality of it all is not the market that's causing this constant price change, it's greed.
June 20, 2007
Willing Buyer Willing Seller
What does the term really mean?
Before the Option is exchanged, the price must first be agreed. But before that can happen, other matters will have to be addressed as well.
Most property agents, sad to say, use it loosely to effect a contract - example serious seller and genuine buyer. They fail to understand that illegal installations, unapproved structures etc has to be reinstated before the completion of the sale. Regardless of whether the property is Private or Public housing, there are authorities who runs such checks before signing the property off as 'ready' for sale.
AND although a buyer is ready to pen his signature on the cheque book, these need to be explained to him - it's his right to know - only after this fact, it is willing buyer, willing seller.
Price is not always the make or break in a contract. In public housing, it could be something as simple as a faulty condenser. When a valuation is done, it's done based on what the valuer sees, eg. a condenser with x-number of fan coil units. But what good is a condenser if the fan coil units are not working? In the private sector, most would do generous renovation, which may even include a replacement of all the air-conditioning units - but for an apartment barely $350K, it's unlikely that they will have budget to do that.
Therefore, next time an agent says that, just check the items anyways. It's good practice to close fair deals. It may be "Willing Buyer Willing Seller" when the price has been determined, but throw in more reinstatement works and the tune may change to an entirely different song!
June 19, 2007
Up Up Up
Our petrol prices are already not cheap - neither are our car prices.
Then there is the tax on tobacco, and a ban of smoking in pubs from July 1st 2007.
Prices of cable TV is going up too, along with the prices of a cup of coffee.
How does one come to terms with all this?
The consumer will always be the one to be either inconvenienced or at the receiving end.
After the 30th of June, I will not be able to buy parking coupons by NETS anymore - because the retailer says it doesn't make sense that they pay extra for the transaction.
The smoking ban doesn't affect me, because I don't patronise pubs.
BUT my morning cup of coffee is already costing more.
Come July 1st, when the GST increases to 7%, all other things will cost a little more. One may not feel it so much, but the last time the GST moved up to 5%, a stick of calamari cost me 10-cents more....after that purchase, I never bought calamari from there again - I make my own.
I will receive $200 this July 1st as an offset/progress package, but you know, when you actually take into account, EVERYTHING - $200 is for pacification - because the economy can only seemingly do well, when things are expensive. That's why most of us go for a break elsewhere, and do groceries across the causeway.
In response, I shall just take my business elsewhere - after all, I will only receive $200 - not even enough to cover my mobile bill for one month.
June 18, 2007
Sugi Cake
I remember waiting patiently all last week, careful not to bother her too much whilst dreaming of having a slice, with a good cup of coffee. The difference between her cake and that we buy is obvious - one is home-made, the other is for mass consumption. I used to buy sugi cakes from Katong - it was the best commercially made one, from Chin Mee Chin. Years ago, there was a Konas shop too.
Besides her cake being for home consumption, she uses the best marzipan, real almonds, good brandy and the icing is too smooth for words! Icing must never be too sweet - it should complement the cake.
Strange thing though, after waiting for a whole week, I was actually hesitant about cutting it up. She took the trouble to dress the cake up with a baby pink ribbon, and piped pink icing all around.
When I did, I can only say that this cake, surpassed my expectations. The moisture was just right and the sugi and almond bits, just right.
If durian is the King of the Fruits, Sugi cake is the queen of cakes.
I would have this over cheesecake anytime!
June 15, 2007
Is it wrong to prosecute?
I heard first hand, from patients whose dialysis costs were still expensive AFTER SUBSIDY. Many could not afford to pay. We do not know how many eventually perished because they did not receive sufficient 'help'. When an organisation raises funds for a cause, then it's only fair that the donors are assured the monies are for the stated cause, not for the key staff of the organisation to have a little luxuries; gold taps are hardly necessary.
When is punishment enough? Well, for the many who suffered under this 'dictatorship', perhaps it will never be enough. If you needed dialysis 4 times a week and can only afford a lower frequency, you would have compromised the life-span of the kidney - and we can never put a value to that.
Patients who suffered and died silently. No matter how badly he is punished now, it can never equate to an 'un-suffering' of those patients so we're supposed to let him off when he has 'blood' on his hands? If he did a good job, it's a job well done for his well-being, his friends' well-being - it was never for the interest of the patients.
Anyone would do an excellent job of raising funds if most was ending up in your own pocket.
It's easy to be generous when you're giving away money that doesn't belong to you.
It's easy to say 'move on' when your family wasn't the one deprived of subsidy.
It's easy to say 'forgive him, where's your compassion' if your loved one didn't perish because you couldn't afford to pay for dialysis.
This is not about sending a message across to the public. This is about how many people had to suffer because he decided to live a life of luxury on donated funds. This is about manipulation and what it cost dozens of families.
June 14, 2007
why wait?
Corporates always try to get their way. 3 months ago, we wrote to ask if they were extending their stay. They responded weeks later in the negative, and that they will stay until the end of the contractual period. Then suddenly, they called to let me know that their employee has moved out 7 weeks earlier, and requested that the Landlord doesn't charge them the last months' rent - walls not reinstated either.
A contract is binding. Of course, there is room to be flexible on a goodfaith basis, provided both parties are meeting halfway. It's clear that if the organisation wishes to save rent, then a new tenant must be put in place. To do that, the walls should be taken care of asap, because lime green is not a neutral colour - you either like it or not. On top of that, we have just 2 weeks to month end, before the next rental is due.
Simple mathematics, either pay the $5K for the final rental or pay $1.2K for re-painting which will take 4 days.
Reading into this situation, I would say, why hold on for them to decide on what's obviously contracted - meaning, no matter how many days I wait, the walls will still have to be repainted. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking and until then, how do we secure a new tenant, because they obviously want to make sure the walls are white?
HR departments are supposed to handle all this, but are they remotely equipped to understand that when equating humans and contracts, the contract always wins.
The wall was white, now it's lime green. That's contrast enough.
June 13, 2007
I used to have just one pair of a typical black court shoe - one pair of flip-flops, sneakers, and a strappy, casual thing. Now, I have shoes in different makes, colours, styles - all laid out in my 'shoe room', which is also my 'parrot's room'. I'm sure he takes offence in sharing his living quarters with my collection of footwear, but I've outgrown the shoe cupboard stage.
I was about to sink some funds into a lovely, bright, cheery strappy heel, but I really need to take another look at my wardrobe to decide if I need it.
I may be a shoe freak, but I'm still not an impulsive shopper - Great Singapore Sale or not.
Of course, if I've been looking for a couple of days - then the shoe would be with me, right now. My gf bought herself a really unique pair - I would have gotten that too, if the heel was a wee bit higher....she's blessed with height.....
Shoes, we really don't need all that many, yet, I believe that for every new piece that I have in my wardrobe, there is a perfect shoe out there for it!
June 12, 2007
Damn if you do, Damn if you don't
In my opinion, the acceleration of interest was part real and part created. There were many who got burnt, although this time, the publicity about it was not as dramatic as just before the last crash.
These are the terms that have been flung at me;
"market is running"
"it's a sellers' market"
"it's a developer's market"
"if they bargain, find another buyer, market is running"
You know, if the market is running, then how come I don't feel tired running alongside with it? Its' because the print press is running, not the market per se. I agree that a lot of projects were sold out, even before the launch, BUT as a marketing staff, that is easy - just toggle the timeline.
There are lots of people who are/will be homeless because their home was sold collectively.
Because people in the property market are trying to go with the flow, no one is interested to look at the real situation.
If we absorb a $2k price difference today, my bosses will say, why bother, go find another buyer.
I'm not really party to this, since it's not my deal - but I think we should not generalise offers, as how we react should depend upon the property concerned.
If we bridge the gap, we are seemingly having a $2K share in the unit. (what we would have done 2 years ago)
If we don't, then we loose the deal entirely
We are not having offers on queue - the market is moving, but it's not like this is the last unit on the island!
So, damn if we do, damn if we don't.
$2K isn't alot - one trip to BKK costs far more than that.
June 11, 2007
Once bitten, twice shy
As I have always proclaimed, people do not change. You cannot make a rotten apple good, neither should anyone think that there is some goodness in wicked people...if that was so true, why did the goodness not show?
It is because people have choices and unless they can benefit from it, they are not going to budge - that's human nature - and complex as it may seem, it's really quite simple.
We are all born selfish - from the time we are infants - we cry until we are pacified.
When we seemingly 'give' it's because we 'want' something in return. When we do a donation, we expect tax exemption. We work because we want to be paid. We under-declare, because we want to keep whatever we can keep.
The few who give without wanting anything in return, will eventually run out of good nature and decide to be like everyone else, because it's tiring to always be the odd ball out - group dynamics.
If you can be like that, I can be like that too - too familiar a statement, because it probably rang in everyone's mind, at some point or another.
So, we are selfish for ourselves - and if we are not, we will be because one bad deed deserves another - No one likes to be short-changed, so tit for tat.
If I have decided that I do not wish to be involved in any sort of work with a particular person, I mean it and nothing can make me change that. If a person doesn't have work ethics now, she ain't gonna have it - after all, she's been operating her 45 years of life without, so what makes us think she would do half the remaining of her life differently? If she's in business for so long, practising good work ethics, she should have a queue of people wanting to do business with her - so why come back to someone she detests so much to offer a contract?
Why? because she lost the last battle - and she doesn't want to be remembered like that.
I don't spend time undoing things, because you cannot buy back time, neither can you ever undo anything. If you've said it, you cannot take it back, because it has left your mouth.
I don't forgive, and I don't forget but I move on and I take stock - but there will never be even half an opportunity for the incident to repeat itself, because that's what I term 'learning'.
Remembering Dates
I cannot understand why "dates" are such a big deal - unless it's income generating or vacation time.
If you're in a relationship, one bouquet less doesn't mean the person cares one iota less for you. Love cannot be quantified - feelings cannot be bought. In a typical year, there will be Valentines, Christmas, Anniversary, Birthday.....I'd take 365-4 = 361 days of happiness over 4 presents I don't need or flowers I already buy for the coffee table.
This has got nothing to do with a jaded view of relationships - It's me having the desire to have a less complications in life. Of course it's sweet to have a guy you love wishing you this and that....but hey, let me throw a bucket of water on you here - isn't pure companionship more enriching? A relationship that's not tied to ribbons and bows or sweet nothings, but one that shares the reality of it all.
Some may say, I've arrived at my mid-life so I obviously don't care - but well, superficial I can live without, but take away my reality check and I'll be lost. I'm intoxicated with perfection - one I have set for myself - not because of broken relationships, but because the only way to happiness is through yourself. Someone could make you happy with a blue Tiffany box, but if you make a milestone out of it, you might miss out on more important landmarks that could have taken you further along life's growth. See the person for who they are and what they are worth - Packaging is everything, but imagine discarding the wrapper and finding out what a great job the marketing people did!
June 10, 2007
Vogue & sanitary napkins
As females, I think a lot is expected of us. We need to be looking good at all times. Whilst juggling a job & housework, we also tend to the cooking and teaching lifeskills to our kids. For some women, they have domestic helpers to do the chores of cleaning, cooking etc.
Imagine a woman, so well-groomed on the outside, yet having no decency about hygiene or shame when it comes to the disposal of her sanitary napkin.
I'm sure no everyone thinks about what happens when the soiled napkin is placed in the bin. Well, at the office, you have cleaners to clear the bin. At home, you have either yourself or your maid. Some may think, 'ah the office cleaner would not know whose soiled napkin it is' - THAT is a woman who really is only looking good on the outside. *tsk *tsk - not brought up properly.
Sanitary napkins come in packing that allows the user to actually roll the soiled napkin up, place it neatly into the wrapper and then dispose. At least, when the bin is being emptied, it's not such a gory sight.
I brought this up because someone just chucks her soiled napkins in the wastebasket of her bathroom, in plain sight for the rest of the house or visitors to look at. Oh, she had expected her domestic maid to clean it up. Sure, the maid cleared the bin, but it was the mother-in-law who told her off.
Next time you see your woman friend, all made-up and dressed in her expensive shoes and clothes, with equally expensive bags and shoes, think about whether she has some measure of privacy, hygiene, class.
Yes, it boils down to this: If you're classy enough to strut the streets in vogue, then please be classy enough to know that this is not one of those little things that could have been missed whilst turning the pages of Tatler or Vogue - it's whether you're actually well-bred or not.
So, don't just mind your p's and q's - that we have books for!
June 08, 2007
the new definition of TIRED
I have had rushed days, mad days, nerve-wrecking days, migraine days - but nothing could beat the past 2 days.
I have learnt of the new definition of the word "TIRED".
Lately, I pass out into Dreamworld less than a minute after my head hits my pillow.
I am a workaholic, slave-driver, and everything bad to my health and well-being. BUT I have never been this tired of talking, or even keeping my eyes open. For most who know me, I am quite the chatter-box - forever having something to say, regardless...this week was just an overkill.
Therefore, next time someone tells me they are tired - they better well mean it, because tired is nothing until you collapse immediately into a deep sleep, and having the sun wake up before your eyes would focus - no dreams, no noise, no nothing....just a total black-out....a night's sleep hasn't help my body recover although my mind is awake - I'm still LAGGING and it's friday...*sigh
June 06, 2007
The Mother of ALL Embarassments
......er...I don't know, but I will let you know.....
.....call you back soon....but thank you for your condolences.
When something like that happens, I think we should take it in our stride and accept their condolences. After all, I'm not a typical filial child - so honestly, if any of my parents dropped dead, I would probably hear it from a third party. Not that it would make a difference for me, since this part of my life has been a blank for too many years - because of too much bitterness and perhaps, misdirected care.
Leaving the concerned caller waiting for a return call would be most impolite. Therefore, a call must be made to at least one filial sibling. At that point, I wasn't even sure, which was more distressing.
When was the last time you spoke to mother?
This morning. Why.
I just got a call asking for funeral arrangements.
Don't joke lah. Who said.
You better call to find out in case it just happened.
1 minute later.
Where did they hear that from?
their mother.
OMG, don't do that to me again.
This happened to me yesterday evening. The caller was informed that Mother was very well but thank you for your concern.
I think no amount of apologies could make it enough for the caller.
For me, it was a sincere mistake on their part.
For them, it was not just a boo-boo - they were so apologetic that I felt bad.
Today, they got their kid to apologise to my son.
They are probably thinking that I took offence. I did not. We could die and leave this world anytime if our time is up. We do not pre-book our departure. AND their sending their condolences immediately upon hearing the news was decent enough for me.
For some, this may be like a bad thing to say, or what we know as a 'suay' thing to say...but hey...if there was no 'suay' intention, how could it be a 'suay' in the first place.
We must remember that, in our delivery, our sincerity MUST be put across well, so that in instances where there is a grave error, it's the sincerity that will prevail.
That is my rule of thumb.
No mess.
Eventhough, this could have been the Mother of all Embarassments!
June 05, 2007
Erawan Shrine
This is the Erawan Shrine. The one that was damaged by 'vandals' sometime ago, and then repaired. It always has loads of flowers surrounding it - I remember the sweet fragrance - and I will remember it, until my next visit.
The first time I went there, some 10 months ago - I was lost....totally - not knowing what to expect - I imagined shrine = temples like over here - I know better now, that if it's a temple, it will be called a temple - if it's a shrine, then it will be called a shrine - why else the distinction if there is no difference, right?
Anyways, this is the reason I went to Bangkok - for me, a person, who can be so fickle in my level of commitment - COMMITMENT.
I went there last year, without knowing what to expect - I wanted to be part of this spiritual uplift - At first sight, I was immediately impressed by the devotion of all visitors, and they are not just the locals there....
This year, I went there with a purpose - to make this a commitment I keep -
AND I'm so glad I did, because it gave me an opportunity to tell a tourist about the shrine - they were lost but they still joined in the celebration of putting flowers and lighting incense - it's not about religion, as much as it is about respect. It was good to see it, it was good to be a part of it and it was good that I kept to my promise.
Of LV & Prada, etc etc
I know someone, who, because of $20K, decided in his mind that he has made it in life at age 40! It's not even near a million dollars - it's a one time thing. All of a sudden, he became an expert in French & Brazilian food - the new OKB or what my friends and I would label them as "Orang Kaya Baru". OKB blabbing & not realising how silly he actually sounded - or to use a common term "sua koo".
I went on to bitch about it, (naturally), because easy money in, easy money out....and 20K is nothing to go ga-ga about. Of course my friend added that $20K could mean a couple of LV bags....! yea right - and that would also include membership & course in high society couture.
At a self-worth of 20K, he certainly didn't realise that when you order a steak, and you hate the oozing red fluid, you should order it WELL DONE.
Imagine if the steak has branding like LV - probably couldn't tell the difference between what's the real deal!
June 04, 2007
Being a Great Shopper
I'm none of the above.
I do not buy because I need it.
I do not buy because it's cheap.
I shop for something that is worth the money I'm parting with - provided it's an item that has it's uses.
If I buy a blouse, it's because I can use it - not because I need another - but if it's too costly, I will pass it up.
If I buy a Mont Blanc pen, it's because I had it on my 'wish' list and I can afford to pay for it, but never at the listed price - I will still look for a good discount.
That is me.
I have a collection of Buffel bags, but I will always look for one more - at the right price - not the imitation, never imitations. It's so thoughtless and unclassy. I know of some people who would go to BKK and buy imitations. It's as good as stealing another person's creation.
So, I am not a typical shopper.
BKK was great for me, because I picked up a couple of decent clothes for dress down day. I scrutinised bags that looked almost like the real thing, but I have yet to bring myself to carry one. Imagine carrying a fake - what does that tell about you?
For me, being a great shopper means, buying the correct thing at the correct price. I do not spend hours here, breezing in and out of stores - I only do it outstation....where time is in my hands! Being a great shopper also means, having the luxury of time to think, compare and decide.