I have no idea when I fell prey to the lure of shoes. It's definately a woman thing, since you never hear of guys actually having a collection of shoes. Imelda Marcos made shoe headlines, when I was still innocent of this temptation. I wondered then, why one person required that many pairs - but I guess, if you're putting up in some swanky palace with too many rooms to spare, it's only fashionable to have a Shoe Room, alongside the Dining Room, Living Room, TV room, BedRooms.......
I used to have just one pair of a typical black court shoe - one pair of flip-flops, sneakers, and a strappy, casual thing. Now, I have shoes in different makes, colours, styles - all laid out in my 'shoe room', which is also my 'parrot's room'. I'm sure he takes offence in sharing his living quarters with my collection of footwear, but I've outgrown the shoe cupboard stage.
I was about to sink some funds into a lovely, bright, cheery strappy heel, but I really need to take another look at my wardrobe to decide if I need it.
I may be a shoe freak, but I'm still not an impulsive shopper - Great Singapore Sale or not.
Of course, if I've been looking for a couple of days - then the shoe would be with me, right now. My gf bought herself a really unique pair - I would have gotten that too, if the heel was a wee bit higher....she's blessed with height.....
Shoes, we really don't need all that many, yet, I believe that for every new piece that I have in my wardrobe, there is a perfect shoe out there for it!
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