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September 11, 2007

Time Away

Vacations are great, especially when it's just a vacation for oneself.
I usually hate to travel because I don't like empty dark rooms, but then, it does give me a sense of peace to be alone.
There is no space in my life, when I am completely alone - away from chores or noise of any sort. I find that at times like that, I am able to recharge and engage myself in what I want to do. It may be selfish to think that, but I've always been very much a loner. Just because I am able to hold a conversation, doesn't mean that I am sociable - it's what I do - talk to people -
I'm looking forward to my upcoming trip - short though, but one that is timely. I'm actually at my wits end - not having some alone time for months.
Life is such a rush - we need to take some time out - of course, it's not everyone's cuppa, but it does wonders - that's how they coined the spa - people go there to be alone - in quiet silence.
Unfortunately, my quiet silence is not like the spa at all - I may just wilt to death with nothing but the sound of crickets.....my equivalent of quiet silence is the solitude of my own company.

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