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September 03, 2007

Going Back and Forth

It's amazing how friendships and relationships can regress or progress. I guess a lot has got to do with the current circumstances. Nobody likes to be in a situation where it's a one way street. Neither does anyone like to know they are being misled. The worst would be when no support is given whatsoever, and it's a give, give, give situation.
Trouble is, we all have a heart which hates to feel broken yet when we have committed to some kind of relationship, there will always be this tendency for it to chip. After many years, the chip becomes a huge piece that have fallen out and then one day, it will just crack away, and no amount of super glue can mend it. Even if some miracle glue is invented, the heart will and can never be as solid as before.
Many of us are in this pickle of a situation.
We need to be held, and reassured.
Yet, we know when we open ourselves to that need, we open ourselves to being wounded.
AND so, because of this, we go back and forth between giving and not giving, caring and not caring.
Where is the 'taking' ?
See, when we care so much, we seldom bother about taking anything.
That's why when we are so cracked up, we are left empty.
Replenishment of stock is so important.

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