People have this notion that Women Over-react. I don't think that is the correct explanation.
I think there are some of us who are just interested in setting the record straight - nothing wrong with trying to be precise.
When we try to expand a statement/action it's for clarity, it's not for argument. BUT when the other party refuses to see beyond that, then it's misunderstandings galore.
As a woman, I take the trouble to never give anyone a wrong idea/impression about any subject; to do that, I need to be extremely explicit when making a statement. However, often, if the other party is male (like my boss), he would say that's me being super-reactive, followed by the phrase "AH YOU WOMEN"
My boss is so fixated on AH WE WOMEN, that he always misses the point.
If we had an exclusive right to sell a development and the owner puts up a sign to sell an unsold unit himself (breaching the contract he has with us) - how would one react?
Professionally, I didn't give out a clue about how annoyed I was - but privately, I was scheming to fix this. That one sign upset 6 associates, who squat there rain or shine.
Are they over-reacting when they tell me that they are refusing to work there anymore?
I don't think so.
They have as much a right to be there as the contract permits. As an owner, he can do whatever he wants, but it has to be within contractual boundaries, since there is a contract in existence.
To think that these people didn't even mention this 'new strategy' in a courtesy phone call is appalling.
I had half a mind to just explode, but then, it wouldn't solve the problem.
Therefore, I shall devise an appropriate reaction - which would involve verbal exchanges with my boss (for starters).
At the end of this verbal exchange, he will think that I have overreacted again.
Perhaps in his male domain, silence is the action plan, for whatever the situation - even if a judge is going to send you to the gallows and you're innocent, keep silent.
after all, silence is golden and perhaps there is this need to feel rich.
this is not called over-reacting. this is called being FAIR. but your boss doesn't exactly comprehend the word "fair" nor "integrity".
yup yup and when i bring it to his attention he replies "AH YOU WOMEN!"
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