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June 24, 2008

consideration (again)

I am at my wits end.
I seem to be the only person in my household that runs with deadlines and schedules. It must be heaven, to just be oblivious to the entire revolving world. My housemate doesn't seem to have a problem with any problems that crop up, simply because he's lazy and just cannot be bothered. So I have turned on my ignore mode again. It won't be long more before I actually have a massive explosion and form another Lake Toba, after killing everything in my path.

It's only right, to offer assistance when we think it's appropriate to step in. It's being human.
How could one person watch another do everything and just sit and watch TV?
I have heard of women trapping men by having kids, but the reverse is certainly very rare.
For every problem there is a solution and mine is not about to go in that direction.

Relationships are about tending.
You need simple tools for that.

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