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June 09, 2008

which date?

When you've been operating on tight schedules and live your life by schedules, it's like an itch u can't get at, when schedules don't fit.
I'm in this annoying situation where I'm trying to get myself to bkk. Forget that it's never easy to get the best available price for a morning flight, when u don't have too much to time to book ahead - to work around other parameters is nerve-wrecking.
There are people who would do the best they can - and they are probably better off. BUT ME?
No way. I am the type who will find the fit and I will not rest until it's done.

It doesn't make a difference to me, whether I fly budget or frills - but what time the plane lands is important. BUT to get that perfect timing, usually it's flying with frills - but when the flights are full on the required dates it pisses me off. I just do not land at night - i'm not a bat. Night time, is my nap time.
So I have to shift the dates - ah...then comes the tricky part, which date?
While I'm pretty much open, I need a room-mate who is available at that time too - because I do hate to be alone in a strange room. My overseas trips, vacation or work has always been traumatic and I end up coming home lagging behind in sleep. I could survive just hiding under the covers till daybreak, but why torture myself when I could actually drag someone along?
Which brings me back to the 'which date' syndrome because as with everyone, this very good pal has a schedule too.
By the time this other schedule gets firmed up, the preferred flights will be full again and I'll be back to square one.
This is not a huge problem - not even close to a crisis, but this is me we're talking about and I will squeeze a round peg into a square hole even if it kills me - but the task has to get done otherwise, it will stay on my priority list and nag me even in my sleep.

I think as functioning people, we need to get the job done but I think sometimes being me gives me added pressure. We don't have to be like this, like me, but because it's me we're talking about, it's easier said than done.

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