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June 06, 2008

victims of circumstances?

Are we victims of our circumstances?
Reason I asked is simply because I have been thinking about whether we put ourselves in hot soup or that it's fate which brought us there.
As a person who respects a supreme being, commonly referred to as GOD, I still believe that we are very much victims of our circumstances.
I do not believe that families who struggle to make ends meet really enjoy being in that state - neither do I believe that families who have issues enjoy having them all the time.
I'm sure if they started their life on a fairer footing, things would work out for them overall - like being born with a silver spoon for instance, would automatically qualify them for the less rough ride.
We are allowed to choose if we prefer to be bastards or mother teresa - but circumstances would definately coax us into making the most of the situation, whatever it may be - we need to survive. Of course, if that meant causing ill or pain to another, then it's not just as simple as having chosen to be a bastard, coz that's wicked.

Circumstances can affect how we think when we are young, when our first schemas are being formed about our society and environment - and from that point on, it's going to either be positive or negative depending on how that schema gets edited along the way.
Scary isn't it?
BUT if you give it enough thought, it does make sense.

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