The countdown to my exams has begun and every sunrise is like a huge tick-tock in my head. One part of me knows that dedication is crucial, other part of me knows that the business still needs tending to. AND so we end up having to do what we always have to do - switching roles.
Its' amazing how much of things I could actually pack into a 'working day', eventhough I don't have to 'report' to work. It's tiring no doubt, but I'm functioning at my optimum capacity at this point in my life, more than I have done in quite a bit. The best part is not completing the day's task, because I always complete the task ; it's about doing a whole lot more, a whole lot better with half the stress. Money is also halved for now, but that's secondary, because it happens to everyone who starts a business.
It's challenging to read the text, search for parallels on the internet, make notes, review the text and then switch to whatever business enquiries the phone brings and go back to my text. In between all that, I managed to feed, clean and play with the kiddies, clean house, cook and render any help to my teenager in his revision, unwind with some piano playing, ending the day with another read on anything not related to my text.
It's okay to switch roles numerous times provided we maintain our identity clearly and not have them crossed. So, putting things into little labelled boxes, does help - it's not a disordered personality type but that of compulsively organised person. Just hop from box to box, following the labels, which are probably color-coded for easy referencing.
The best part of it all, sleep comes so easily.
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