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June 07, 2008

Tick Tock

Does anyone ever wonder if time actually moves at a faster rate once we get to June? I think so, because I had such a hard time just seeing through the first 3 mths of 2008 and now, we're almost at mid-june...and soon it'll be christmas all over again.
I have this clock just outside my head, like an invisible bubble - it reminds me of what i have listed in my To-Do list and like those beep beep beep things people attach to their rear bumper, this clock does that the closer i get to my deadline, be it my annual visit to bkk or any kind of deadline that matters to me.
Right now, it's going TICK, TOCK, TICK, TOCK - because the countdown to my first exams after so many years has begun. I have not finished reading at all - not because i'm lazy, but because I don't have enough hours in a day - it's almost like time short-changed me!
Like today, I had to do marketing, cook....then wash the dog....then read...then reply emails for whatever that's about to erupt, feed kiddies....take a breather with bollywood, then clean up, gardening, cook again, read, check email again..and it's already past 10pm.
its' amazing, because whether i keep a real job (by that I mean be an employee with fixed work times) or not, it doesn't make a difference to my household chores. I have been hired permanently, regardless of whatever the situation maybe, to manage all that!
Well, TICK TOCK TICK TOCK is also reminding me of my pilgrimage to bkk - that would definately buy me some time out of this wicked cycle....some much required time away to re-charge my sanity.

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