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November 11, 2009

Pets are better to have

The trouble with my not having empathy becomes unbelievable when it comes to animals.
I am sure there are a few, if not many, who are like me, which makes it confusing for Psychology.

Studies have often tried to link and some have linked violence to animals as an indication for a tendency to do the same toward humans. But when we change it to positive attributes like in this case, it doesn't balance.

I know many animal rescue people who have zero patience with people - and people who prefer the company of animals than humans and for while now, it's been a curiosity which is eating me.

I will not say that in my case, it's compensating, because I have enough work and stress to keep me too busy to even try to compensate for anything - most times, my compensating behaviour for any shortfalls from humanistic relationships come in the form of computer games and DVD sessions. Pets take us huge chunks of time in terms of housekeeping - they shed either fur, hair or feathers and need their potty areas cleaned twice daily and they too, need their regular spa baths.

And when they are unwell, it's like minding a baby because animals can't talk and tell you what's wrong or where they hurt - different from having a buddy - who can call you up and have a conversation where ideas and feelings are shared, which is why having empathy for animals and almost none for humans cannot be seen as compensating - it doesn't balance. Animals are not able to substitute for a human companion, simply because they take more than they give.

Yet animal people like myself will tell you that it's okay for them to take more than they can give, because the little they can give, they give wholeheartedly and sincerely - which means a whole lot more than the half-baked comments or ideas that friends sometimes share.

So on the one hand, it's impossible to balance the equation, but on the other hand it makes enough sense for me to say, the few years that a cat or dog shares with you, can be more heart-wrenching than the 20 years you shared with a spouse when the pet passes on. At least I can honestly say that it applies to my last marriage. I hurt more and for longer, when my 15 year old cat died than when my marriage legally ended. And all my cat did was to keep me busy feeding him, washing him, and cleaning up after him.

How's that for strange?

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