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November 25, 2009

students will be students

The most surprising news I heard today was this: I wasn't the only one who requested for an extension. Best part of the news is : I am only doing this part-time whilst the rest are full-time students (in my group). That was unexpected, because I have always assumed that as full-time students they could devote almost all their time into research whilst us, part-time students are working and studying, we already started behind them.

Therefore, it's probably not a matter of whether we are full time or part time, because students will be students. We never devote sufficient time for school. Which is really our fault.

I could ask myself, where my priorities were - and the answer would be, in my work.
Or I could ask myself, why not delegate the work - well, some things just cannot be delegated, like PR - it's a personal touch.
Or I could ask myself, why I didn't start the data collecting prior to ethics - well, that would be unethical although I would have then been able to do my submission on time.

So, the clock is not just ticking now, it's going at warp speed, and i'm still on neutral gear - why, because it takes time for the engine to warm up. And it's no wonder we have this saying, Burning the midnight oil, because we students, NEVER learn, no matter how many times we go back to school.

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