When we are in need of a pick me up, we need to be with pick me up type of friends - because if we get stuck in a coffee session with a wet blanket - we will be drowning in our pool of misery by the time the meet ends.
When we need a reality check, we would go for the practical friend - not one who is oozing sarcasm from her pores, but someone who will give practical advice because that's what she does. If we chose her over another who is always emotionally unstable, we will end up taking the wrong turn in our already bumpy road.
As much as we all have this ideal that buddies are supposed to be there for us - we are all still very human with basic instincts like wanting to be the 'better' off - which doesn't do much for anyone in that friendship - I wouldn't call that a friendship, but a friendly competition.
Although I have a diverse handful of friends, good friends - I have learnt that I'm the best driver for my life - I may have made mistakes, some irreparable - but it's because I made a bad call and we need to know that so that we can do better.
I had lunch with one gf and tea with another today - tuesdays are my gf days...and both of them are different in outlook, upbringing, expectations and culture-base....we need different people to make this world colourful, but if you have a problem, and expect a consensus - this will do more damage than help and put me right back on the fence.
We need to decide things for ourselves - because no one can understand our situation, our position and our stress better than ourselves - when someone gives advice, it's based very much on their personal brush with something similar themselves or from someone they heard the story from. It may not be what's best for us.
I would love to have instant answers to all my questions, but I know that's not possible.
So, I make decisions to the best of my ability at the time I'm forced to make that decision...if it's not the correct one, then I pray that GOD will cushion the error somewhat, and give me some space to correct it.
That's why we pray - to seek guidance and blessings for every day of our life.
It's not for material wealth - but for peace of mind - which says it all, doesn't it?
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