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May 09, 2007

Jigsaw Puzzle

I used to be a fan of spending hours with jigsaws. It was exciting, fitting out tiny pieces together, a test of patience. The largest piece I've done was one on Africa - too many pieces. I think the anti-climax came when it was almost done, but I had some odd pieces missing. I wasn't mad or anything, because it was just a few - this was a puzzle, larger than the width of a standard coffee table. I was about 11 when I did that one - bought the puzzle with my own money from a jumble-sale at school. I never found time after that, or a decent enough puzzle to have the 'want' to fit it all up.
When I compare that, to what's going on in my life, I think jigsaw puzzles are a breeze. When you take the pieces out of a box, you know what it's going to look like - you just deal with your visual cues. When life becomes like a jigsaw puzzle - then it's more complicated because the whole picture is not on 'our' box, since we didn't come in any set package.
BUT life IS about fixing up the puzzle - finding the missing pieces and fitting it squarely in.
I know I'm definately at the crossroads of my life - yet, I have no idea what the big picture is. Going with the flow is not a solution because there is no general direction except to do what is right by my conscience and know that I'm being directed where my life is supposed to take me.
Just how sure can we ever be, that we are not picking up wrong cues? We can never be.
Which brings us to 'trust'.
As with Karma, we must take the unpopular road, if there is a need. Some would say, there is no such thing as having to definately take a rough road - but there is. There are many times in our lives when we are down and out, yet when we hit the bottom, we find a penny. You could have never found that penny, if you didn't hit the bottom. 'chicken and egg'.
Life is a jigsaw puzzle - and if we have the right vision, we will be able to fit all the pieces into slots which they belong. After all that, the picture will be crystal clear.

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