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May 22, 2007


There is no way for me to explain how sticky I can be, when it comes to expressions and clarity. I believe it's important that we are clear when speaking - and I'm not referring just to diction. The sad thing here, in Singapore, is that when a local is being interviewed, even those prominent characters, they fail terribly in verbal delivery. I cringe, when a spoken statement is grammatically incorrect. I wonder what went wrong with them - did they miss a whole bit of English Lang class? Considering, our schools have done away with automatic promotion to the next level of learning, what happened?
Whatever happened, we now have this huge mass of people, who do not speak well - not even passable. It's acceptable to be informal, speak a smatter of dialect and English and forget about sentence structure - but when appropriate, good delivery is crucial, because it's embarassing for a country like ours, to boast of being an educational hub - when the locals fail at speech. I'm referring to the working class - not our kind aunties/uncles from generations ago.
Being explicit does not equal to being a fuss-pot or a hoity-toity character. It's all about minimising miscommunication - and clarity. Without clarity, there will be room for misunderstanding and to clear that up, you'd need to elaborate further, thus wasting more time in getting to your objective.
So, when someone says he doesn't understand, then perhaps, we should think about whether we delivered the statement correctly, or that the person we are speaking with, has simply fell through the cracks somewhere, that he could no longer comprehend English Language, the way it's supposed to be.
If the sentence delivery is correct (assuming we did not use uncommon descriptives) then, we cannot possibly simplify it further now, could we?

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