There will always be people who lack social skills. The ones who make effort to improve usually are the ones that people will be more forgiving about because they are sincere and willing to improve.
Unfortunately, I tend to attract unsavoury characters, those who either are too big for their boots OR those who got to where they are not by working hard OR those who think they know what's best when they are ethically/socially/morally/professionally wrong.
Its' rather annoying to always bumping into such people, because I have become so impatient that teaching them a lesson they will never forget, becomes my mantra for them. I used to hang in there, be patient, give them chances - these days it's snip, snip, snip - out you go.
Life is a circle - what goes around, comes around.
My good friend of 25 years, knew this character 20 years ago - I didn't, because there was never an opportunity to mix - we are simple people, who have no desires to do anything except to be happy with ourselves. This character was making another person miserable, with her antics - she was going to marry into the other person's family. As the saying goes, love is blind - but not to outsiders and this person was fuming mad, because she was going to marry his only son.
Everyone in this family knew she was bad news because she was going to 'clean them out' slowly and no one could do anything.
Now, 25 years later, she came into my life, and as with all movies, all parties met - I obviously heard the juicy story and being me, I didn't lay judgement but gave her the opportunity to prove everyone I trusted, wrong.
In Olympic record time, she proved how right they read her and how low on the character scale she cut.
The next item on my agenda is to teach her a lesson; one she can take to her grave.
She will learn, that to receive consideration, one must first be prepared to give it.
She will learn that, respect is never automatic but has to be earned in order for it to generate cookies.
She will learn that being rude never gets us anywhere except in the monsoon drain.
She will learn that never throw stones at others' homes when you live in a glasshouse.
I will even tell her that, after I have gone through all these lessons as my parting shot to her.
So that she will remember that GOD may not be physically here to un-do the damage she has done to a family, but GOD works through people to get His job done. It may have taken GOD 25 years to carry out this plan, a whole bunch of people to connect, but bottom line is, it's always better late than never.
If anything, I detest people who use other people so that they can gloat at the rest of the world. This is not a Robin Hood series because I do not see her robbing the rich to help the poor. She has robbed the rich and thinks that this dirty money can buy her hero-worship and lease of life. Obviously she didn't do well in religious class.
So teach her I will.
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