When do we pass up an opportunity?
Should we pass it up, in the first place?
Before we decide on that, we need to first evaluate if it's actually an opportunity to begin with.
In order to do that, we need to know what's the opportunity cost involved?
For everything, there is an opportunity cost - nothing comes without some cost. It doesn't have to be monetary, because a cost is a cost - it could cost us our sanity and not a penny, yet it's a cost to us, our well-being.
I was presented with an opportunity this morning - but I decided not to take it - not because the monetary gains were not attractive for anyone seeking employment, but because I'm not seeking employment.
I started out on this project, to bail out an old friend in his cousin's little company.
Now, they are offering me a full-time position, with a good remuneration.
I passed.
Terms on and it's really not a playground - this is my next goal in my academic life and there should not be distractions. Take me back to March, when I was working full-time and had to hand-in a paper - it was a disaster. I didn't fail, but I didn't get my A.
I have a commitment to my clients to manage their portfolio and I should keep to my word. After all, it's not difficult work most times until changeover of lease or when something breaks down. It doesn't take too much of my hours in a day, and it pays a whole lot more.
I have gone past being employed full-time to chase after money for my employers.
I would like to enjoy some freedom after 4 years in a corporate orgn.
Wear what I like, do what I like, work when I like.
Earn money for myself for a change.
Marketing is not my career choice, although I'm blessed in this field of work.
I do it because it pays the bills and buys me things.
So, the opportunity cost is too high for me to say yes - that I didn't even think for a second but just turned it down flat.
Therefore, for me, that offer was not an opportunity.
It was an offer to keep me doing what takes so much out of me for a good fee.
But at this point in my life - I'm through with anything fixed.
I'm going with flexibility in all aspects of my life except in getting my Psych programme done.
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