Many times we have biases, prejudices, not really knowing how it all began.
As each country becomes cosmopolitan, people adapt to each others habits, good & bad and move on. There is no clear distinction between the citizens and the permanent resident or the visitor - everyone moves at their desired pace and goes about their personal business.
BUT at the first sign of a disagreement - racial slurs will creep up.
For those who believe that they do not have such biases/prejudices, I say that's wonderful and hope that's honest. Because for most of us, there will always be this nagging thing in our heads that will tag a person's behavior to some label for that ethnic group.
No matter how accepting we are externally, it's usually the opposite internally.
We are all closet cases when it comes to opinions we have of people from a different race. As a society, that is required for us to maintain the peace and harmony - but privately, we hang on to those beliefs, because perhaps history has it and it has become almost predisposed.
It's not a great thing to note, but it's a fact.
I'm not saying that this is so for every case, and for everyone.
I'm saying that we still have a long way to go before there is seriously no distinction between people. The day we have that, will be the day everyone thinks about everyone - no one has a hidden agenda and everyone is not out to get the next person.
When will we get there?
No one knows, because for everyone who wishes for this, there will be some others who may be from the minority, trying to become a majority voice by stepping on heads - when it would be so much simpler to just think like the majority who basically never labelled the minority, until they were given reason to do so.
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