Christmas came and went - it didn't even cause a dent.
In less than 7 days, it'll be 2009, a new year, hopefully one which will bring with it less turmoil and stress. I remember the Feng Shui people were saying at the start of 2008 that it was the year of the Rat and a new chinese cyclical calendar, which meant lots of changes etc. They were right - the mess didn't just happen to me, it happened to the entire world.
I haven't gone online to see what's predicted for 2009, it may be too early yet for anyone to post anything - but I hope the saying will have some truth, that when we hit rock bottom, the only other way to go is up.
I have no regrets about 2008, but it wasn't a breeze - I made tough calls and my life went by too many crossroads which forced me to make a decision after another. I ended up depressed. I was not one to make decisions without dwelling on it for sometime - but the circumstances didn't permit me to hang on in limbo-land - it caused me stress and when that happened too often, I became a tightly wound spring.
Although I'm constantly looking forward, I'm also wary - I don't think I can survive another year like this one. But there is one silver lining for me, that's almost definate - my post-grad studies will conclude in 2009. I hope it's definate, since i'm halfway done - but again, you never know - things happen and it brings changes. Hopefully, I'll get to the end of 2009 with this silver lining intact and in my hands - after a catastrophic year, emerging with one silver lining on one cloud secured in the palm of my hand is comforting.
Perhaps that's what silver linings are all about - hope and faith.
For without that, there is no christmas, no new year and nothing to wish for or look forward to.
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