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April 02, 2007

bias and fat logic

What do we do about people who just shoot their mouths off when it suits them? Let me cite an example:
When my ex-colleague left, this embarassment to human kind didn't have anything good to say behind her back!
Now when I stood up to her, she decided that she didn't have anything good to say about me either.
Frankly, I couldn't care less, because these people are so lagging in self-worth are are so biased, that they go around slamming people when it suits their purpose.

I guess she really needed to score somewhere and obviously didn't care at whose cost.
She forgot some incidences where it clearly illustrated her failure in her job.

The last staff that left their company, who was under her charge, left because she was biased and complained to the bigger boss.
She also forgot that one singaporean family felt that she was so arrogant, they took back their booking fee and decided to skip buying a unit from her.
She agreed to do repairs for her agent friends' buyer, but only half the repair for another agent whom she disliked.
In another case, she side-stepped some agency and they sent her a legal letter - when it was resolved, she took it so personally, she by-passed this same person when the renewal came up for their client.

You know what's the problem with such people?
They forget that there are people out there keeping tabs on them.
Bias is written all over her face that she's bloated like a water-logged decomposing body.

Sometimes it bothers me, but it doesn't disturb me because although you cannot judge a book by it's cover, it certainly gives you an idea about where the story will take you.
Figure this : If a person eats without limits - obviously they are greedy. It no longer has anything to do with hunger. Give it years and you get extra body mass. Give it more years and it becomes part of their character - NO LIMITS.

Everything is about control.
Everything is about moderation.
BUT for such people, it's preference or bias.
Everything they do is over-done.
How's that for fat logic.


UptownGal said...

Totally agree with u. And i really can't stand two-faced people. It's unfortunate u still have to work with her. Hope u'll be rid of her soon!

KATRINE said...

You must have prayed very hard...yes, we are rid of her finally! Thanks for being around for me....:)