As you can see, I'm making many attempts at getting the drawing of a cat right. This cat, i've coloured like Pringles - at her best - asleep, almost all day.
Unless the drawing is really bad, I usually save it on the art block and go back to make adjustments, an hour or so later.
It's hanging in my kitchen.
Besides drawing this, I've moved the fridger - yup, to create more space for baking and cooking. I was doing fine with everything for the kitchen in the kitchen until an egg flew out of my hands and landed on the rug - so, the cost of one egg, drove me to organise for more space.
When we first dive into any project, it's always great - but after sometime, I may just move stuff about again - it's just my way of never being able to completely settle with something. This has always been a trait of mine - I do not believe in letting things be, always trying out alternatives to get to another level - So, my baking has calmed down a bit, because of exams but moving stuff didn't and the new drama is drawing. I will probably stop when I run out of picture frames, which should be very very soon - it started with my idea of recycling the frames, because I didn't want the pictures that were in them. Some were given, like the Egyptian drawings - which seemed okay for a few years, but i got tired of them, since I couldn't really appreciate what the drawing was about - some came in decent enough frames, so, instead of throwing drawing and frame, I took out my pliers and screw driver - and undid the nails etc. It's messy, but managed to overhaul a whole lot already this week.
After all, it was the drawing that bothered me, not the frame - we should recycle what we can use, and junk what we do not understand or do not wish to keep. Clutter isn't kosher and wastage isn't how we should live life by.
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