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June 10, 2009

do we always need proof?

There are always moments in our life when we wonder about the Supreme Being - GOD. Does He really exist? Does He hear us? If He is around, why allow all this madness to go on? Are we really living in hell?

I am a believer - I have a very strong faith in GOD. But that doesn't mean I do not question His existence, especially when I feel backed into a corner. It probably lasts a moment and I'll revert to my believer status again.

Along with faith in religious beliefs, comes patience, loads and loads of it. The non-believer will say, ah, time fixed everything. But the believer will say, not without God's help. The argument can go on and on, with no real solutions, but do we really need something real before we believe?

This has always been tough - the need for something concrete, something we can see.

which brings me to emotions.
We cannot see it, but we feel it.
We cannot see God, but we feel Him.
The variables of the two equations may be different, but the basic idea is there.

What we do not see, but can feel, is there, yet there will always be doubt, because we live in a world where everything needs to be proven factually, yet when we say we love someone, we do not have the ability to prove that hypothesis and say it's factually true, the way we expect it of other things. We are in a serious fix.

To unfix ourselves, we get into being selective about what needs to be proven and what can be understood - which means, there really isn't anything factual about life, is there? We adjust where we deem fit and accept whatever, when we are unable to find a line of best fit. That is not living by a fair standard, that's making adjustments so that it makes sense to us, not necessarily true, since we only believe what we can prove.

As with GOD, there is no line of best fit because by the time we figure that He exists, it's too late, because He would be standing in front of us and then all we will hear ringing in our ears are :
I told you so.


UptownGal said...

I got this quotation from Our Daily Bread. "A miracle needs no explanation to those who believe in God; to those who don’t, no explanation is enough."

KATRINE said...

Very true.
You know, I think a lot of people are surprised that I pray. Is that surprising to you? I mean, you've known me for awhile...it doesn't bother me all the time, but when it does come up, it bothers me.