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December 31, 2016

Goodbye 2016 and good riddance to the US mess


Another year ticks by.  I heard about the 'leap second' which will make 2016 hang on for a heartbeat - what is a second right?

2016 was a year which kept me busy busy busy - I remember January, dragging her feet - and I was thinking, jeez, this is gonna be a long year.  Busy has it's advantages in that, it zips by very quickly.  

I can't wait for 2017 - it's supposed to be a year of promises for the world.  My schedule is the same, but better since we are all in the business of getting better and not stagnating.  So I am looking forward to a more manageable level of craziness.

No love lost on years gone.  It's what life is about.
We move forward and we get better, in reality, not the 'hi/bye I'm good' better but truly better in our souls.

Just reading about the mess Obama is making just tells me that sometimes, having a chip on one's shoulder isn't a good thing because one skews towards being emotional and irrational.  Many who voted for him or supported him did so because he shares the same minority status as they do, thus clearly voted/supported out of emotion rather than intellect.

I knew people who didn't know **** about Obama but rallied behind him, back in the day i.e. birds of a feather syndrome.

2016 was terrible for friendships in politics and although the Democrats tried to use the woman's card and race card, it failed.  They had a female candidate, who lied all the way to the top.  Yet, the ignorant, ignored a key character flaw and still supported her.
I thought at first, that I was the only Asian, who felt the repercussions of the US Election, when not living on American soil.  I was wrong.  Many of my close friends, were cautious when bringing up the subject and most were relieved to find us on the same camp.

Close as we are, one never knows what lurks behind that persona.  It's a relief, to eventually find out, weeks before their polling day, that we are close friends, because we did not have an alternate persona.

As the year 2016 drew to a close, I met my closest friends for lunch, dinner - to say our thanks to each other for the friendship.  I even managed to ride in a brand new car, to the furthest part of this island on a sunny morning.

I will not miss 2016, but I will remember it.  It was a year, people could no longer contain their unintelligent selves from the rest of the thinking people.  Why bother to make race an issue, when it's not about what colour our skins are, but more whether we have societal, moral, ethical sense.
Colour matters only when there is no other logical argument left.

Civic Education/Social Studies must continue to impress upon the school-goers that our duty must be to keep the respect and peace in our society first.  We are all exposed to similar laws and thus, we should not expect liberties anywhere else.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

Welcome 2017 - I've been waiting for you for a long time.

December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The season of Christmas has lost it's meaning, years and years ago.

It has been over-taken by commercialisation and the need for the ignorant to belong to the world's most observed celebration, Easter aside.

It's easy for the Ignorant to jump in, to join the festivities.  Shopping Malls worldwide have their windows decked in Christmas Splendor - it's the season to be Merry.

Back in the day, Christmas Eve dinner was a family thing.
These days, it's time for food outlets/restaurants to cash in. They can't be blamed, because the bottom line does count.

Some families invite very close family friends for Christmas Eve dinner.  Once over, Christmas Dinners/Lunches, are just for the masses.  Alcoholics love this season, because they are allowed to drink senseless, although, they generally are senseless because getting drunk every week isn't being an alcoholic, right?

Few understand the concept of Christmas for the Christians, preferring to just go there for the free food and booze, not in the preferred order, of course.

My message to those, who just see Christmas as that is, get real.  Christians go to Church to celebrate Christmas Mass, because that's where it begins - the message of God.

That's why I detest the wannabes - they are probably worse than the weebos.

As I grabbed my Christmas shopping yesterday, I saw many non-celebrants grabbing stuff and talking loudly, as if, they understood what a present meant.  I'm all for tolerance, but I do have my moments of disgust, especially when people just talk about attending a Christmas party/dinner invite without really knowing why there is Christmas in the first place.

Then there are those who talk about not ever wishing Christians a Merry Christmas, because it isn't in their religion.

Well, this world isn't about ONE religion, but about many.  The important thing is the belief in God and doing what's right by His Name.

People who think they just showed up in this life because they are that good, ought to address how ridiculous they sound, because nothing ever just pops up.  I'm into Science, but I'm also aware that God has surrounded me with His Love, all my life.  There was never a moment in my life, where I felt abandoned by God - my life isn't a fluke.

This is the reason, I am always at peace.
And I wish for the world to be at peace.
If you're not a Christian, don't mock Christmas - there is no religion better than another.  God never taught anyone to take a life/lives.  If there is a religion which preaches taking a life/lives, it isn't one with God at the pinnacle.

Merry Christmas.  Spread the love and cheer, because of His Love.

December 22, 2016

Christmas soon

Almost at the Eve of Christmas Eve.  My new additions, of air plants in my kitchen, are doing very well - The pink buds are now twice their size and it's lovely just to admire in the morning.  The others have grown in size and length.  Makes me wonder why I took so long to get 'into' them.

As usual, I wind down the year meeting friends who are valuable.  Today, the process begins, with a close family friend.  Because everyone is busy, celebrating and observing Christmas with huge family dinners, the more important people meet outside these gatherings - it gives us all time to appreciate the years of friendship and love our families have shared - noisy dinners are for loud laughs at crude jokes.

This year was true madness.  I was so busy, I didn't have time to really spend long hours with them for meals.  I did my travelling done as usual but that aside, I get friends asking me what the hell's keeping me busy.

Besides putting home cooking on the table every day, I do need to take care of the pets, 2 x ND rabbits; 1 x Holland Lop; 4 x cats; 1 x Amazon parrot - which means, vacuum, mop, feed.  Then there's the re-decorating, love to always keep the home looking fresh (since it's the home I purchased) - paint, wallpaper, new accent pieces - fresh rugs - and yes I'm aware the economy is going into a technical recession.

The difference is, this home, is almost fully paid.  I do not respect people who are permanently on home mortgage but boast they own properties.  Well, you are a mortgagee until you fully pay for your property - so get real people, those who keep re-financing their home loan so that they can appear to be in the upper income bracket group.  

I don't buy counterfeit goods for use or consumption - I shop at Cold Storage and I have time to game for 6 hours each day.
THAT, my friends, is God's wonderful Blessing, for which I am always grateful for.

Next year, I'm hoping to actually help friends help a South American orphanage.  Time will permit, now that I have put this down in writing.

Time to get some Christmas goodies!

December 20, 2016

A Merry Christmas Week

Wow another 2 weeks to 2017!

The year has passed so quickly, that I'm stumped.  It felt like just a heartbeat away, when I was settling into my schedule for 2016 and wished it would pass quickly because the first quarter of the year was too draggy.

Since it's the season of Christmas, I have had friends come over.  They remember when I just moved in and got excited about having a potted 'garden'.  Well, they saw flowers and basically, my plans come to fruition.  It must be how I grew up, tending to herbs and fruit trees, that gave me this desire to always have plants around me.  The orchids, for once in my life, are really doing well.  I was hesitant, when the plant shop lady insisted I try to grow a pot - when that did well, a friend gave me another and now I have 3 - all doing great.  I have sprays of orchids every day, cheering up the corridor.

Christmas is a personal holiday for me - I am done having huge dinner dos at my place - for the past decade, I have observed the holiday, giving Thanks to God for all the goodness he has bestowed upon me and my son.  The many Blessings we have received and the laughter that rings from my home daily.

How many people can say, they feel Blessed with their life?
I can.

I have had many disappointments, but never with the decisions I make, but more from the failure of people.  But as we get older, we learn to discount them and let Karma be their teacher.  Why try to walk in shoes not meant for us, right?

I used to think I could 'save' everyone.
That is a myth.  No one can 'save' anyone really.  It took me a long time to figure that one out but I did figure it out and I'm living better.

So, begins the count down to Christmas Eve and the sumptuous Dinner and several Christmas lunches that will mark the ending of 2016.

And then we begin again.....and look forward to closing 2017 just as well, if not better!

November 12, 2016

Korean Drama - On the Way to the Airport

In my opinion, this is a great story, except that the Finale was just too rushed.

For starters, I don't care much about the fast-forward idea.  It leaves too many questions, guesses and frankly, not fair to die-hard followers of the series.

This is a story about 2 married people.
Some who have posted on forums, thought that it glorifies adultery.

To these people I say, GROW UP.
In this world today, too many people are trapped in bad marriages.  The person they are married to may be ok but when in combination, they don't complement each other, instead, becomes a deadly, toxic relationship.

Some couples, just cannot divorce - because of finances, housing, children.  It doesn't make having an OUTSIDER friend of the opposite sex WRONG.
Sometimes, these outside friends, keep the bad marriage intact for longer, or at least until the children, finances, settle.

So, I don't have issues with the storyline.

Just because a lot of people maintain such marriages, doesn't make it BIBLE right, or ETHICALLY RIGHT by SOCIAL EXPECTATIONS.  Yet this situation is mainstream these days, to the horror of the many who subscribe to the moral high ground.

Unlike many, I am a realist.
So, for those, who have no issues watching 2 married people share supportive moments with each other, because they have no such support from their spouses, watch this.

Who doesn't like to live the Cinderella story?
Who doesn't like to be the perfect human?

But, we are not perfect creatures.
We do not keep just pure thoughts in our minds.
We do not always tell the whole truth.
Every time we are politically correct in our replies means, we tell a white lie.  It's still a lie.

So I don't take the moral high ground.
I call a pot a pot.

I don't believe in the 'for better or for worse', because where we are is a result of the choices we made and if anyone knows my life story, it's been hell.  BUT each time, I spend a few minutes, raging.  Only a few minutes.  After that, I choose to move forward and get down to 'business'.

That few minutes of rage - is enough.
I may dwell on that, every now and then - but I never make that the reason for my failings as a person.

People don't change.  So if you're stuck with one bad seed, get out.  Whatever it takes.  Remember, you are just one person who has the power to steer your life onto another path.

I don't believe in love, but I do believe that people are put in our lives for a good reason.
They may no longer be around, once they have 'served' their purpose in our lives, but that's just how things are.

If you let the bird go, it flies.
If it comes back, it's yours.

Great TV series.  My first Korean drama, and all I can say is, it's real.

November 09, 2016

Donald Trump 45th President of the United States!

It's the best news I have heard since the start of the Presidential Run.

I am glad that majority of the American people do not subscribe to lying and cheating.  When I was in college, my GP lecturer, a British man, spoke of the complex US Democratic System, so complex that it's sometimes impossible to change anything....that was the first I heard about what it means to be a Democracy.

Today, I see Democracy at it's working peak.

The American people have been cheated, short-changed and unknowingly, misled by the power of Money.  With Money, comes corruption and Wikileaks have given evidence to the world, how Money has corrupted people who were entrusted to be honest and working for the betterment of the world.

I am not American, yet I wondered for many years, what happened to the solid American Dream, for the average American.
My friends, who are Americans, have 'suffered' for too many years.  Today, I celebrate their victory in reclaiming what is their right - their right to be open and transparent.

It is true, this election has caused friendships to break - I have been shocked, disappointed and appalled that friends who are teaching Social Studies in high school, couldn't see past the Clinton and Soros combination of lies.  They didn't want to talk about the laundering of millions.  They didn't want to talk about illegal arm sales.  They didn't want to understand that wanting to keep illegals OUT is every Nation's sovereign right.

So many people, faceless, nameless have offered prayers for Good to Trump over Evil (every pun intended).

Trump it did indeed!
Congratulations America.  You will be Great Again!

October 26, 2016



The US Presidential Elections have essentially divided the world further.

'The World' began fighting off Terrorists. But now, 'the world' splintered into ............

  • The group interested in actually getting rid of Terrorists.
  • The group fighting to keep themselves in the position of Power.
  • The group fighting all the odds to Clean up America.
I'm not sure which group has the easier task, but for sure, the wishes for WORLD PEACE suddenly do not seem to be a cliche anymore.

Broadly, the CAMP on the MONEY & POWER side, tend to have supporters who verbally attack non-supporters by name-calling.  They do not have an answer or excuse for Clinton being morally, ethically, criminally wrong and thus unfit to stand for Election - as such, they jump in loudly and are aggressive. 
Had they armed themselves with substantial evidence to support their choice, there would be no need to fire away at others with childish, immature statements.

A friend told me OBAMACARE is great.  He's not American by the way, but he knows it's great. My American friends are struggling with this, and they have decent earning power - they told me OBAMACARE is unaffordable for most and that they themselves do not have healthcare.
Who knows better?  The layman American or minority Asian who has never lived or worked in America?
Obamacare premiums are spiking 25% next year. How bad is that?

I do feel terrible for my American-born friends.  They already don't have Health Insurance - and unless they get a Republican as President, they will continue to pray for Excellent Health since they cannot afford to fall ill.

It's strange how people generally are divided according to how their mind works.

If anyone has gone deep into discussions about the 2 candidates, one cannot help but notice that the Money & Power camp (Democrats) think that Money buys them everything, so they don't need to use their BRAINS to think about why their ideas don't work.
Money buys them Power - and that is what they are trying to prove with a Democratic win.

WHO WOULD THINK, that Poll Machines can be donated by a Major Funder of a Presidential Campaign?

Which Idiot cannot see how UNJUST, UNFAIR, and CHEAP it is, to blatantly CHEAT the voters?  I suppose the message is, MONEY CAN ALSO BUY CHEAT SHEETS.

If Americans vote for the Democrats after all this - then GOD SAVE AMERICA, because what's going to happen is, the TERRORISTS will never be defeated, because the LEFT HAND provides them sustenance, and the RIGHT HAND pretends to fight them.  The end result will be a world, plagued with confusion and mistrust.

People should use their GOD-given BRAIN to think through this carefully.
Leaked emails/correspondences - what these people did to cover up their wicked deeds with more wickedness - should not be taken lightly.

There is a reason, why and how, the entire world was given this SNEAK PEAK.

This is not about Russia trying to spy on the America - this is about America, having lost favour with the good karma, and now have to face the karma of EXPOSURE.

The camp of MONEY & POWER practices deception.
They have always done that and are still doing that, because it is all they know - Money helps them clean up their mess all other times before - which is why, they don't know how to fix this except by the process of unfair elimination.

VOTERS should start thinking deep and hard.
IF DEMOCRATS WIN - the message to the world is, MONEY & POWER wins over TRUTH.

None of my business, but even from way over here, the CAMPS are clear.  I support people who are always willing to discuss and fairly argue out an issue because I know that I'm among people who can THINK, DISCERN and still be impartial.

October 19, 2016

Expensive Brains

We are given a brain - one which we should use, since we are not animals who can only function instinctively.

Unfortunately, by the time a child reaches young adulthood, he already stops using it - just going over the type of trouble/crimes they get into, is a good indication.  This is not just about having a moral compass - it's about thinking over CHOICES to make.

I have lived a good part of my life already.  It will not matter to me, who becomes the next US President, because I'm not American (thankfully) and I'm not European (thankfully).

I have watched their election with great amusement - how people over there, buy into bullshit - it's like you can have all the evidence and they just fail to see it for what it is.

People like that, deserve to always live in fear of loosing their freedom, because they don't really know what that means.  To them, to have a complicated government system is freedom.

FREEDOM, to me, living in Asia is about - being able to feel safe, any time of the day - not having to worry that I will get mugged in an alley, because we don't have alleys for low-lifes to lurk about.  We actually have laws that are enforced - no amount of money can buy someone a seat to rule this country.  We run, fair and square - of course, the occasional tossing of tuna back and forth, is to be expected, but it's all just politics.  No trying to sway minority votes by appealing just to their inability to integrate.

It's no wonder, the Asian students do so well in these foreign Universities.  It's a shame that many more do not get the opportunity to study there - Asian Universities are just as good, but because we are generally younger, and Colonialism has been branded into our heads - we always think being us, means we have to kowtow to them.  B

In this world muddle, Asia is doing great.

So I guess, people over there, who are voting Democrats - probably have the most expensive brains.

Expensive because, they hardly use it.

October 18, 2016

Pot calling the kettle black

If us, lay people, are confused about what is going on in the US Presidential Election - this clip puts it accurately, in a nutshell.

Never mind, that Hilary Clinton is backed by George Soros - the man who is dead sure, his ill-gained money from the last financial crisis and more, can buy him a spot to be the US President's advisor.  The same, laughable DEMOCRATS, flew their Kerry to UK so UK can share the karmic hit back, when it happens.

People in the world need to read what George Orwell said.  People have rights to think freely, speak freely and stand corrected.  What we have seen, is the US DEMOCRATS, building one lie upon another - of course, UNTHINKING American Citizens are buying that lock, stock and barrel.

What the internet world is dubbing the UK to be, is accurate - UK left their FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the EU.  

TO thinking people of the world.
Kerry lands in London and a whole pile of COMMUNIST practices surfaces from London.

The US and Britain and everyone, should really stop calling N.Korea names, since they are far worse - WORSE because they are communist practising under the guise of Democracy.  At least N.Korea is not hiding what they practice.

From the Gulf War, we all could see, that there were NO WMDs.  The lie started there, and they kept it up.

Till today.


I do not support terrorist activities AND what Kerry and company are doing AMOUNTS UP to TERRORIST ACTIVITIES because they are enforcing their choice upon their people, their citizens.  They have taken away the rights of their citizens, by labelling people who chose TRUTH as DANGEROUS.

To all these humans who believe their MONEY bought them POWER, I tell you, you will meet your Maker in due time and then we'll see what your money really bought you.

October 16, 2016

Making babies, but not giving them a roof?

I was surprised, to have read that people don't need a huge space to make babies.

Surprised because it's not about the process of making one that bothers me, but the ability to nurture the child i.e. feed, educate, teach.

In Singapore, we need MONEY, a lot of it, just to survive.

Ok, so a couple makes a baby in the park, with no home - what happens to the child?

This is the present situation today - A LOT OF STUDENTS are on FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.

I am all for helping those who have less, but there is this thing called the POVERTY CYCLE.  In Singapore, the poverty cycle may look different from another 3rd world country, but it's poverty all the same.

So assuming we go down this track, then we have our government, paying for the child's education in mainstream - what about additional classes? Tuition? Not every child will be able to cope in school, given their home environment isn't conducive to study i.e. they don't have one?  So some make it some don't.  Can I then conclude that we are going for 'survival of the fittest?'

I have been very disturbed that families have so many children, to take advantage of the government's child bonuses, yet go on financial assistance in school.  Where is the honesty?  These families have been making babies as suggested and dumped the care and education of their children to the government, through schools and the different Ministries.
Gone are the days, where mostly, children look at their struggling parents and say "I WILL STUDY HARD TO HELP THEM".  Has someone missed something in our society that changed?

Having a roof over your head, maintaining it, even in a struggle, gives the child a chance.  We have good public housing policies which can help the homeless and childless, start off by giving them a roof over their heads first.  That is also teaching them responsibility - if parents do not know responsibility, how are they to pass that on to the child?

I can just imagine, our school-going generation today, growing up and thinking, I can survive if I know how to bleed our government of money.

Is that going to take our society another 50 years?
Any idiot knows we are doomed if we keep this attitude.

So, it's not that people do not know the process of making a baby, it's the inability to maintain the new life well, decently well.

Space - children need their own space to create, to dream, to make something for themselves.  They need space to learn.
Families need space they can call theirs, so they work harder to make it a home.

October 13, 2016

The sorry state of GULLIBLE


I used to be able to just IGNORE people who believe what they read WHOLESALE - people who worship PROPAGANDA - people who function with so much of discrimination that they become obsessed about wanting to fit in with the popular voice.  These days, I can't because I am swamped with them.

I'm not one to 'join them'  because I do USE my thinking ability, BRAINS and my ability to discern.

THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION is a disgrace to democracy.

Just because the US subscribes to DEMOCRACY, it doesn't mean they abuse it.
The Democrats are right now being chaired by a money-driven old man who thinks he's GOD because money has come his way too many times at the expense of others...so he must be GOD right? The Democrats' candidate is not a woman, it is this dried up old man, who has bought journalists, tv stations and a whole lot of people so that he can rule a nation, from his living room and not the oval office - he will be the first to do that!  POWER CAN BE BOUGHT BECAUSE HE IS DOING IT!

Voters being unthinking and stupid, are going to make his dream come true.
I pray that the real GOD, will do something about it.

Me on the other hand, prefer the underdog.  A man who engages in men locker room talk like other normal men.....a man who used the law to salvage his business and that worked out well....a man who could not have succeeded had he not been unscrupulous when he had to be.  Is that wrong?

There is NO PERFECT PERSON walking this earth - but let's all start thinking deep.

How would anyone understand the man on the street if he isn't from the street?

It's none of my business, I have said it many times before.  In fact, this US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION has told me one sure thing - THAT a lot of my casual friends, are really NOT THINKING PEOPLE and they are just too superficial that I really should drop them as casual friends.

How will I look at them now, knowing that they are actually quite gullible - just as well, I found out at the close of the year.

I guess when you never have been with money, you have no idea, how money really talks.
SO I can't expect them to know what I know.

August 31, 2016

To be proven, RIGHT

Everyone loves to be 'RIGHT'.
It's human nature - to desire the attention from family, peers, colleagues, neighbours and people around us in general.

In my life, I have never, ever, wanted to be a 'hive mind'.  I work hard to make sure I maintain my individuality.

Some 15 years ago, I threw out an ungrateful teen, who was bent on being with her biological dad, who never paid a cent in maintenance for her since the day she was born.  But because he had since remarried with 3 new children in tow, she was pretty much stuck with me, in my house, with my rules.
Of course, she was found out and even after many warnings to behave and focus on her GCE, she persisted in betraying my trust by getting an abortion.

Once I pieced everything together, I decided to grant her, her dream and wish.  I sent her packing to her biological father.

6 years after the fact, she text me, and in that message, claimed for me to be a tyrant, always angry.
Now, I am not always angry - I'm only like that, with her - she is BAD NEWS.

2 years ago, I found out she was in touch with my 2nd ex-husbands' family and him, of course.  She was always hung up to have a unique surname - my 2nd Ex, is Eurasian.  It was obvious she was, because in his late mothers obituary, her name was included in the list of grandchildren.

I didn't care about anything, as long as I didn't have to see her.  I don't care much about being in some social event with people I don't care about - funeral or not.

2 days ago, my son, received a call from the CID here.  For the record, CID here does not investigate petty crime.

They asked him about this failure of a person, who is his half-sister by birth.

Apparently she is involved in some crime and they are searching for her.

I have lived my life, till today, with not a shred of regret for throwing her out.  I cut ties with family, because people there thought I was being harsh.

TODAY, they have been proven wrong.

Had I taken their advice, I'm sure my son, would have been influenced and exposed to her deceit and lies.  One can only guess what values he would have to balance.

Had I taken their advice, the police would have broken down my door, in search of her.

SO, Karma may be slow sometimes to show us her hand, but when she does, victory is more than sweet.

My son told me, MOM, YOU ARE RIGHT.

Yes I am.

It pays to do your own thinking - don't be sheep.  Do what you have to do, because you have to do it. In the end, no one is going to solve your troubles for you.  People never show up when you need them.  So the sooner you figure that out, the better.
I learnt that when I was a teenager, watching my emotionally unbalanced mother being totally uninterested in being a parent.

I know I turned out right - only because I burnt bridges.
To be proven RIGHT, for burning a HUGE BRIDGE, is simply awesome.

August 11, 2016

Pokemon Go

It is true what some locals have said about this new craze.
All the campaigns, posters on diseased organs or people who are less ambulant - didn't quite succeed to get a lot of us off our comfy seats and out there to get some much needed exercise.  We had Brisk Walking clubs from as far back as 15 years ago, yet mostly, retirees are the ones into it.
Given that most of us are out of the door, before sunrise, or just barely 2 hours after sunrise, where is the time to do that much needed run or walk lest we are late catching the train.

I'm one of those super lazy ones - prefer the comfort of my own home, cool aircon all day - hot coffee within reach -


I was out, not just on a freak day out...but every day over the weekend and public holiday - beads of perspiration popping like pimples - getting a suntan - and that much needed 5km walk.

All because I downloaded POKEMON GO.

I had to hatch the 5km eggs.....by walking....plus the one way to level up from 1 is to catch POKEMONs.

Just when I thought, this is what semi-retiring is like - wake up late when there are no chores/work, water the plants, watch tv, cook, bake.
This weekend, changed all that.
I was OUT THERE in between chores - trying to perfect a POKEBALL throw.

I am so bad, it took like almost 20 POKEBALLS once, to catch the furry.

It's been 4 days and my life has evolved.
I'm not nuts to walk 5km a day, but half of that is doable - given that the app must be opened - and since I don't have a power bank, my time outside, is limited.

So I ordered a new iPhone, which is arriving tomorrow.  New phone, new battery.

A lot of my friends, colleagues are playing this too - gives us something to laugh about besides the 'normal' stuff.

It will take me a long time, to understand what needs to be done etc, but that's ok.  I'm getting plenty of exercise in the meantime.

To all who play, let the game bring us all closer - or get to know each other....
I hope that people who are not gamers, but more social type people, to please don't have this GOD COMPLEX about yourself.

I did come across a grouch, who told me to please don't suddenly stop in my tracks.

I wanted to say something rude, but I chose not to, because I was too busy catching a POKEMON.  Catching that Pokemon was more important than his comments - that should be a brush off enough.

I wanted to tell him, well, if you're driving, the car behind is always in the wrong for tailgating, should the car in front suddenly hit the brakes.

People should stop thinking that Pokemon Go is bad.  I think playing useless games like the swipe all 3 to clear the board, is a lot more time wasting than this game.  So if people are into it coz their grandchildren are, and they are not really gamers, please don't send your ugly comments to those who are just having fun - I was in a huge Shopping Mall - people stop walking abruptly, not just because of this game, but also when they are looking at the wares for sale, or just changing their mind in the direction they are taking.

Stop trying to exert your importance where it's not needed.

August 06, 2016

Walking the Talk

This is a proud moment for me, a 'regular' citizen here.

Our PM's wife, used a clutch, not 'designer' by world standards, but one designed by a special needs boy.

For many years, she was always in the background during official visits.  I am sure, Ms Ho Ching did not think that we would make such a huge deal of it.

We did.

This is what we call, WALKING THE TALK.

I found it amusing that our PM's wife caught the attention of everyone and outshone the exorbitant dress of Mrs Obama.

In her simple way, she made us all here stand tall.

It is true what the saying is : it's not how expensive the thing is, that will make you classy.

Thank you Ms Ho Ching, for making me believe in this simple basic principle again.


August 04, 2016

Make America Great Again

I believe that this picture should be etched in history because the USA needs Heads of State, who works for the people.

I'm not American and my opinion doesn't matter - but I like to put it out there, if anything, for me to read this back someday.
I'm fortunate to be from a country, where we are not subject to low-ball tactics of using MONEY, lots of money to buy influence, bias and everything unfair, because of the idea of TOTAL FREEDOM.

For all of my life, I had to put up with friends from other regions, who define our way of life here, too socialist for them.  For me, it works.

I can walk home safely anytime. Hail a cab anytime. Never have to wonder why my cell doesn't work, provided the bills are paid.  WE may not have the freedom to say what we want to say when it may affect another social group living here, but that has taught us RESTRAINT and RESPECT for others.

We do not need to shout out our need for TOTAL FREEDOM because we already have it - our Heads of State, has ensured that.  I have never felt unsafe here.  I have never felt marginalised here.  My son grew up not knowing which ethnic group his friends in school belong to, because it doesn't matter.

What matters are individuals.
What does matter is, we seek the same goals as citizens - safety and the capacity to find employment, no matter how menial.  I know a lot of people who work 2/3 jobs - to put their kids through school - life may be hard, but WE HAVE A LIFE HERE.

My American friends are disgusted that some candidates use the power of money, to censure their competition.  To them that is unfair.  I agree.  They have done this by buying out any information provider so that their competition would seem to be the unfavourable one.

I hope Americans vote right, because they deserve to have a fraction of our humble life here, there.
DONALD TRUMP vows to make America Great Again.

It's an apt pledge because American Soil, was where I wanted to be, a long time ago.  Now, not so much because from the outside, all I see is bickering, the use of money unethically and how one group wants to be more important than the other, when they should be shouting as ONE NATION - only then can they say, America is about FREEDOM.

July 29, 2016

Hilary Clinton accuses Trump of BIGOTRY

I wonder if she knows what that word means.

BIGOTRY is who the prevailing terrorists are.
They, the terrorists, are intolerant, expecting everyone who holds differing beliefs to be either beheaded or extinguished from life.

I can only assume that she used this word because many have no clear idea of the word's definition.

I have many Muslim friends who are not bigots.  They too, hold the same dislike for terrorists.  It probably hurts them more than it does us, non-Muslims.

The people who know about living in harmony is this little nation I write from.  Even as these terrorists run rampant in the name of their supposed religious beliefs, I sit and eat with my Muslim friends at lunch.

This candidate is lost in her super delegates, financial backing that her desperation shows.  Instead of calling a pot a pot, she prefers to confuse everyone and make the election about something else.
Mind you, she compromised security, lied to cover her error and yet she thinks she's the better candidate.

Months ago, I thought, it would be great to have a Clinton again - perhaps it will make lives better in the US for my friends.  Lately, after all the cover-ups, I have changed my mind.

I take honesty over everything else.
If one cannot trust the leader of the government, who is left?

The Americans must and should vote sensibly - they have to stand up and say, MONEY CANNOT BUY US A GOVERNMENT.

My Muslim friends here, support Trump, because he says it, like it is.  

July 27, 2016

Unacceptable behaviour - 6 long years


Actually, it's no surprise to me that this low life behaviour of a neighbour has persisted for 6 years.

This is what RELIGION does for a lot of people, especially the Muslims - they practice patience....in their language, they will say, sabar.

My question is : What happened to our community?  Where are the other neighbours?
Did all of them turn a deaf ear/turn a blind eye, because this is not their business?  RACIAL HARMONY IS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS.

Throwing pork? Wow, where did this other person study? From what I know, our schools drive into children, the importance of RACIAL HARMONY constantly.  Did this person totally miss school here, to be this ignorant?
Did the rest of the neighbours also miss the finer teaching points about RESPECT?

People should and must mature, so that they can begin to understand that just because someone is Muslim, doesn't make them radical and extreme.  By the same token, Christians who are moderate, are different from the radical, extreme ones.

For 6 years, no one came to her assistance.  No one bothered to take this seriously.  This is how unrest begins.  That one bad apple.  Doesn't take much more than a worm really to destabilise our community.

Of course our uniformed personnel will not help, since no one got hurt yet.  That is the unspoken rule isn't it?  Painful to hear but we all know it's true.
So, for 6 years, the law sits and waits for the widow to get hurt before they can act - since without injury, there isn't a crime right?
Say the woman does get hurt and at 61 can never be the same again.  She could be so hurt she can no longer ambulate like before.  The law steps in, but this widow now has a less than 100% health, and probably will not even expect the society to render her assistance for what society indirectly caused her to suffer.

Society has to change.
The saying used to be, schools have to teach.
Well, we know the schools are doing that, but is everyone else on the same page?

I am ashamed that Mdm Marliah, almost from our pioneer generation, had to tolerate this abuse.  We need to do more.
There is no room for lip service here.

Stop pushing the buck.
Stand up for Singapore - and that means every Singaporean who worked just as hard as the next to get us all here.

Schizophrenic view on gaming ...

And while the rest of the world moves forward with Technology and E-games - some others prefer to stay back and watch the time pass by, contemplating.
It's a little like good ole' sports.

No one thought about a SPORTS SCHOOL, until we stopped winning medals at international meets.  No one gave a wink until we found ourselves OUT of the distribution pot of medals.

Even before all this dust can settle, along came GAMING - computer gaming.

Singapore HAD good gamers for the MOBA game LOL and FPS - CS as well.  BUT we can't even squeeze on that stage now....coz we didn't strike while the iron was hot.

We HAD good gamers who made it to international gaming standards, but they either could not get time out of their National Service or Work or whatever they have committed to which required permission.

The boat has sailed. Correction, several boats have sailed.

So while the Koreans are making a name for themselves behind the screens and the Chinese from Mainland China are the top game hackers who are known for their DDOS skills, we just have the best communication networks to boast, with nothing to show for it, except in the 'business world'?...oh wait, the world's business climate isn't all that rosy, hasn't been for years now...and with Brexit and the multiple threats of mindless terrorism....who knows right?  Huge companies are either closing, relocating or just going for broke.

I know of a boy, who is now a young adult - made it to the WOW world ranking board, below 50.  But he could never make it to the US to give his skill a shot in live streams.  We don't have gaming houses here...nor do gamers here get the opportunity to really build on their skill or showcase their skill, because of the absence of nation support.

Warfare in the very near tomorrows, will be similar to what the gamers currently see on their screen.
As it is, drones are being used in war zones.

I don't think the view is Schizophrenic actually - it's more when I need to shit then I'll look for a toilet.  By then, we would be at the starting point, very much alone, in a market, already saturated with gamers from 3rd world countries.  Sheeish.

This is more the unnatural fear of the unknown.
How does one cultivate creativity, when the opportunity is not given in full?  We tend to still do things in halves.  By the time this island realises that E-games is a game like all other activity, the group of people left who can game, would be the ones, who's been told, gaming is bad.
Good luck in reversing that mindset of 'gaming is bad'.

Is it so difficult to classify GAMING like golf? 
Is it because GAMING appeals generally to the 'younger' and not the Seniors (who are the policy makers)?  I guess, if you're in your 40s and have never played a PVP game, you wouldn't and couldn't like to be 'owned' by a teenage gamer - and that probably hurts your ego so bad, you wouldn't and couldn't support a change in legislation/stance/societal mores/laws to groom potential world-class GAMERS for the world stage.

In every arena, there are playing field rules.  Not all rules are looked upon as positive.
Likewise, the trolling in games, are not all positive.  For the ignorant, there is positive trolling.

So until we keep Schizophrenia in remission, we will always find ourselves having to work harder to get to the world stage, when we actually could have got there donkey years ago.

It's hard to let go.....as a parent to this 'secluded' society, it's hard.  BUT better do it now, when the parents have all that family support than later, when the dynamics, beyond our control, change.

July 25, 2016

What Money can buy -

I read with disgust, a report in our main paper, by the main paper's journalist, who's probably based in the US - about the present Democrat nominee.


From the leaked emails, any idiot can infer who is desperate enough to trade their souls, if I may use that phrase, to get voted in.

BUT just in case, people in that camp say it's a hoax - that other people 'made up' all those emails, I have an infallible theory.

To know what kind of a LEADER you are going to have, look at who's backing the candidate.

I will not vote for a candidate who is backed by a person/organisation, who has nothing but 'dirty money' written all over it.
It's not that the owner of this dirty money is doing this because he believes in that candidate - but more about how much the candidate is going to owe him in kind, later.

People who think they can cook anything with money, should not be considered as solid and trustworthy to think about the poor man on the street.

Why does Singapore, pride herself on our no nonsense no dirty money in politics rule?
Because politics is dirty enough, without having to worry about the size of the backers bank account.


Yet, the 'award winning' journalist/correspondent, managed to print his support for a candidate, who has used her position, her backers' financial strength, to escape prosecution, in our main paper.

Perhaps that is why I never buy local papers, unless I need to use them for my cat's litter box.

Money has now elevated itself to being able to also buy jail time, turn lies into truths, votes and common sense.

July 24, 2016

Lies upon Lies

In the current US Elections, many things have surfaced which are - lessons a lot of us have learnt, come across, fell victim to, in the course of our 'normal' lives.

LIES before the internet
As a teenager, I had the privilege to hear a compulsive liar give another youngster advice.  She said - to be a good liar, you must first remember which lie you told to whom.  Of course back in the day, we had no internet and everything was easier to keep under wraps.

LIES in the internet age
These days, lies have a 'use by' date.  The eventuality of it blowing up is far greater and faster.  Even an idiot knows that.

So officials, who know about security software, hacking and the like, and still think the internet is the best highway to communicate lies - I say, I wonder how they first got hired.

I'm a simple person - I live simply but comfortably, more so than a lot of people - I have a very high IQ, which I never bother to use to get me WOW jobs, since I always prefer to dive into unfamiliar industries and expand my knowledge - be like everyone else so that I am able to stay on my learning curve and maintain my interest in the world at large.

I have seen desperation and am aware of how dirty politics can be but I have never imagined that a democratic nation, the only true democracy in this world, concocted this deceitful cocktail.

Karma is a bitch.

As rich humans, they can buy people to spin lies because that's what currency is for.  They probably can even make a life disappear with all that money.

AND to fuel their conscience, they buy into a faith-less life where money is their true GOD.  For the current US election, do take a look at who's backing whom.   Behind one candidate is a backer with tons of money he made from other people's misery years and years ago.  Dirty money is what common people call that.

Just when they got everything in place - someone spills their jar of beans.

Then they come out and deny that those are beans.

Thing about liars are, they don't know when to stop because they have all the funding to keep it up.  Paid to lie.  Wow.  I never figured there was such an occupation.
Then how would I know right?
I don't worship currencies - I still believe that the truth WILL PREVAIL and if we run out of time and it doesn't, KARMA will deal her hand and finish the game.

It's okay to have taken my sweater and lie about it.
It's not okay to use people so you can benefit either by being able to keep your job, get a promotion, make more money because in that process, some family ends up hungry or some people end up taking their own life.
To the liar, the lies were worth it and is worth it, until they lay there waiting to meet our Maker who will just say, oops sorry, I lied about ending your suffering today, perhaps tomorrow.

July 15, 2016

A Bankrupt Life


Is this the culture here? Probably.
If that is the case, then, all that Productivity campaigning went to waste.

What is being Productive?
Answer: We do what we have to do, in the recommended length of time we have to finish it.
So, if Management gives some last minute work, it's Management which requires Productivity training, not the worker.

I have had my fair share of bosses who throw paperwork at 530pm with a next day 9am deadline.

To change this 'culture' it has to start from the TOP - if the TOP doesn't give credit to seat-warmers, who actually just work when supervised, the problem will go away.

Many are guilty of this when on the train/bus.  They do this and get so engrossed, they forget to move to the rear of the bus, or shuffle deeper into the cabin of the train for others to board.

I have watched commuters flip FB pages, clicking on links, as if it's critical for their well-being.  Perhaps, that's where Singaporeans shoved their nosey attitude i.e. kay-po.
Also, since when was letting the entire world know what one eats, or does daily, important?  Are people so bankrupt that they have to assert some kind of importance in their social circles?  Where are the days, where privacy is held dear?

For culture, we certainly picked wrong.

Teenagers, mostly, are unaware of world news - a lot are not even up to date on local news.
Imagine, this lot is our tomorrow - a group of ignorant individuals.

People say, the internet caused this.
I say, don't play the blame game.

I do not own an FB page, nor do I play candy crush or bejeweled or any game on my latest iphone.
I do not even listen to music.

Does that make me a person who is stuck in the stone age?
I am an MMORPG gamer.  I log into the game daily for at least 2 hours.
I read off my tablet, only when I am winding down to sleep.

I chose to use the internet as a positive tool.  When commuting, I look around as I journey to my destination.  In little Singapore, facade changes happen quickly.  I take pleasure in soaking in works in progress.

I'm not left behind just because I prefer to choose who knows about my latest life squeals.
The difference between me, a technology driven person, and the larger society as cited in the article is, I don't need validation on who I am from acquaintances or friends.  I need to know, for myself, that when I am done living my life, I am free to go because I have done whatever I set out to do, and that isn't getting to another level in candy crush or bejeweled, or updating my FB page as I draw my last breath.

June 25, 2016

Apples are not Oranges

Dominique Moisi, of the French Institute of International Relations (IFRI) said the Brexit earthquake was a dark moment in Europe's history, comparing it unfavourably to the fall of communism."Remember Star Wars: there is the light side and the dark side of the force. The light side was the fall of the Berlin Wall. The dark side is Brexit."

I believe it's the best outcome and not as the FRI has stated.  

The trouble with politicians is, THEY DO NOT KNOW what's going on for the average family.  THEY are not affected at all since they are mostly swimming in extra money.

I have British friends, who voted to LEAVE.  I support their decision because, Britain was another super power not just in terms of their Military, but as a successful economy boasting of good investment properties AND good University education.

That was the Britain I grew up with.

When I became an adult, all I saw was a weak Britain.  She lost her marbles over the decades.  The pound was super.

Of course, in the immediate aftermath, the world will see the pound shrinking - uncertainty looming - because they have to start over.

I feel, it's better to start over than be a mule, especially when you don't have to be.  Starting over means, going back to basics.  That means - taking care of the British people first.

After all, before dreaming big, don't you think it's only correct to take care of the home first? Charity begins at home.

I understand the world is trying to unite.  Hey, isn't that building a huge communist ideal based on democracy?  This herding mentality failed for the communist and it will fail for the democracy as well.  Such formulas don't work.  

It's ok to wager trade deals - in fact, its to be done.  BUT as a herd, you don't get to wager what's best for you, mostly you make do.

I'm not socio-political scientiest or anyone whose opinion the world at large would count as important.  BUT insofar as the world stage is concerned, I have been spot on.

The entire world has adopted the attitude of RIGHTS and more RIGHTS for 'others'.  WHAT ABOUT THOSE WHO VOTE?  WHAT ABOUT THEIR RIGHTS?

What about their right to live and compete for jobs fairly?  We all know that illegals tend to charge far less which translates to savings for the hirer.  We also know that if immigrants want to get PR, they should apply like everyone else.

It's strange how people want to live somewhere but don't want to follow the rules there - basic of which is to pay taxes.  How is that fair to the tax payers?

I strongly disagree with this FRI chap.
The demolition of the Berlin wall is to unite Germany.  Since when was the EU a sole nation?  It's an amalgamation of nations.  You cannot compare apples to oranges because they are not the same.
Unless the EU is headed by ONE PM, ONE GOVERNMENT, the comparision is an inaccurate representation of the real issue.

June 19, 2016

FF14 in my home!

This Carbuncle, our ingame icon, made his way to my home from Tokyo yesterday.

I have been trying to clear some days to actually go there to purchase this plushy, but it's tough to attempt a week away from work without coming back to a back-log of work.

So I did the next best thing - got my friend to bring him here for me!

The thing is, many people I know have their vacation in Tokyo, but very few are FF gamers.  Only FF gamers are familiar enough for shopping like this, to be easy.

This was the sign he found outside the Eorzean Cafe.

All over forums, people know, that reservations are required to dine there.

It's like being in some RPG real-time when in the cafe.

As a lot of the world still believes that gaming is bad, there is thankfully, a huge lot, like me, who find sanity in spending hours in game.

I do know that some FF gamers have met up in that cafe - and others in other cafes for a meal.

Eorzean Cafe - is the must visit place - the game developers have put in a lot of money into 'building' replicas of weapons and items we use in the game.

If anything, in a crazy world, gaming gives us all space to finally not find reasons to why we are different.
Gamers do not ever have to explain the love for seeing our game world in a cafe - because for us, it's a privilege to be a part of that community.

June 07, 2016

Chasing the rainbow or not.

This is an illustration of a BOUNTIFUL HARVEST.

When we get to where we should be, years after we first started work, we dream of how we like to spend our leisure hours - because by then, we assume we don't need to worry too much about using money to get re-charged.

Where we all live, here in the heart of SEA, money will always be everyone's migraine.  BUT as we close in on retirement, a handful of us, who chose to live a simple life vs an extravagant life, don't have to work as hard to achieve this state.

This was my buddy's harvest. There was the boat rental to consider - this boat was what they took to venture out.  He needed time out (again) as we all do from time to time (6 mths to a year) - and the nearest location for this, when time is a constraint, is Mersing, Malaysia.

A 'vacation' like this doesn't blow the bank account and for sea lovers, it does re-charge them - watching the sunrise and sunset, cool sea breeze and reeling in the catch.  It allows people to put aside our professional self and just BE.

My buddy, is a typical local but without the desire to keep up with the Jones'.  He lives in a HDB he first bought, has a regular Japanese made car and as such, doesn't have a huge deficit in the books ie, no large private housing payment, no large car mortgage.

That is the way to live.  He's approaching retirement, say 12 years from now and there is no financial stress at all.  It won't matter if he converts to part-time work.  He can.

He can because he chose to live, all his life and not just be like an icon.

I admire that in people and it may have taken me a long time to realise that, but he made the right decision and because of that, I have changed my life course.  No more chasing rainbows in the sky - because my life has been decorated with them already, I just wanted more.

May 31, 2016

Larger social network = higher pain tolerance?


I first read about this on the bbc website and found my way back to the study the report was based on.

In my opinion, there will always be the herd - where most studies tend to be based on, even with a random sample.
It doesn't mean it applies to the rest, who do not make up that random sample.  Samples are as random as where the study originates from and even as our brain cells skew to a certain angle, we do not have to necessarily react that way, when and if given the freedom to decide, by way of culture, society and the blah blah blah.

I do not maintain a huge social network by choice.  I find people to be insincere and never helpful when they are called upon to be a friend.  Try recalling when you needed a small sum of money, say a months pay-check, and how successful that large network helped i.e. by giving the much required help financially.

I have never kept many friends.  Acquaintances, yes, only because of work.  But acquaintances are not people you celebrate your overcoming life's struggles.  Friends are friends, when they need something from you - no different from a business association.

I never insisted on an epidural during childbirth nor any form of painkiller - never wanted to feel numb because feeling it all makes us real people.  Yet, at any one point in time, the fingers on my one hand, can barely put a name on each finger.

I suffer from migraine and mostly, I sleep it off after drowning myself in hot tea.  When it's really bad, I take one aspirin and sleep.  Currently, an old injury on my feet started to bother me.  I still go to work and hardly walk with a wobble because I do not like to draw attention to my personal space. People tell me to see a podiatrist, doctor or whoever.  I still hobble about at home and walk just fine in public.

Perhaps I'm the oddball to this study.

Actually I doubt it.  There are many like me in the world. We do not have the need to have many friends, because our life is self-enriching.

I'm on summer break now and there are acquaintances who would like to catch up for lunch yet, I rather stay home and clear up my wardrobe, pack boxes to ship out to orphanages and eat a hot home cooked meal watching the telly.

Bottom line is, just because a study says it is, doesn't mean it really is.
Most random samples are either undergrads/interns and people in a similar cultural background.
Some may say, ah, we are asian so we have a strong family bond/ties, which may account for our 'lack of' desire to have many friends.  WRONG.

I am almost an orphan by choice.
If anything, the lack of having even ONE TRUE FRIEND makes me a better thinking person.  One who is self sustaining and one who is not dependent on any social network application to say, hey, I'm worth something.

May 29, 2016

Religion - the answer to all?

It's not a new phenomenon for people to turn to religion when they are unable to come up with a lucrative explanation OR when they feel a need to disguise the ugly, underlying truth of any matter.

Daily, we read news from everywhere - and sometimes, the guilty party is too obvious and for the discerning, his/her next course of action can be predicted.

Religion is never bad to have, yet, it's philosophy must be applied to modern day society.  Religious text of any denomination is said to have been written donkey years ago, where crime was less sophisticated and choices almost unheard of.  Such text was written when minds were not on over-drive and people did not do much except tend to the lands and procreate.

These days, religion has been reduced to being the answer to the unknown, the solution to all human created problems and the rock people hide behind.

Religion was coined so that people in a community could bond together as a community and live with utmost respect for one another.  But in a world where people are competing to see who blows the loudest trumpet, religion has been reduced to everything that has not been inferred to, when those scared texts were written.

It is inference after all - and there are many who will shout from the highest mountain that their interpretation is correct.

There is no correct interpretation - except that by society at large.  If civil laws say this is murder, IT IS, there is no other valid excuse for committing murder - not under any guise.

It's no different from dumping earth in the middle of the ocean, in international waters, then claiming that to be your personal island.  International waters has been marked so that everyone has the right to access it.

Similarly, one cannot impose a law under the guise of religion and say it's application is only for those who share the same religious belief.  It's like saying, we have 2 sets of rules, one for you and one for me.  That is divisive policy.

I am relieved that I have lived out most of my years on this earth.  Relieved, so I don't have to watch the world crumble under people who practise greed and selfishness but will never admit to any.

Singapore might be more socialist than democratic but our government has never been deceitful.  When our constitution reads, equality and more equality - the ruling party will always win because that is what they implement in our societal laws.

I may not have had the opportunity to earn more money than I can, had I migrated elsewhere, but I never have to deal with a whimsical set of civil laws, which changes because the person at the top feels like it.

May 23, 2016

To turn a blind eye

This is a trait many many people have.

The idea is, if it doesn't concern us personally, why bother to get someone else into trouble OR why bother to meddle.

In my book, meddling means, nothing good is going to come out of it.  I WILL meddle if it's for the general good.  It is in my nature to use my eyes for what it's supposed too be used for i.e. LOOKING WITH SCRUTINY.

Some might think that it's a 'quarrelsome' nature - yes and no - it depends on the perspective you are concluding that from.

I'm a stickler for order.  I like to know where things are.  I like to know that when we say we are on the same page, we are.  I don't like people getting away with things, because that's not what progress and improvement is all about.

If we want to get better, we take the good, the bad and the ugly and run with it.

My entire life, is almost about running from my 'social circle'. I run because I prefer never to have to tell another person how to be that person.  It's not that I operate from a moral high ground, it's just that we need to learn how to be accountable for our actions.  That is the bigger thing to do.  Admit to a huge mistake.

Professionals I have come across, people who earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, lack that trait.  They rather cower in their guilt, plead ignorance and keep drawing that pay-check which saves their behind.

Friends will tell me, why be the one who sacrifices.
I tell them, because I can.
The difference between people like me and people like that is, we don't need a huge pay-check to be who we are.  We are the few who believe that a square peg cannot go into a smaller round hole.  We do not subscribe to making that round hole larger so we can push the square peg through.

We do not lack intelligence to get us out of bad situations; we don't because it's not right.  No moral high ground here, just highlighting the ticks from the crosses.

We are not law makers, we are the ones who uphold the law and expect others to.  It doesn't matter which brand of law - societal law, criminal law, civil law....it doesn't matter.  Fact is, it's there for all.  No discrimination.  Applies evenly.

At least we like to think so.
Never turn a blind eye for someday, that eye will be blind for real.

May 17, 2016

If love is blind..........Song by Tiffany

I'm not sure if this song had a prior singer, but the first time I heard it, Tiffany was on the mic.


For a person who guards my independence, it's strange to have a song which affects me at many levels.

For starters, to me, Love isn't blind - which is why the title is apt in my situation.  If Love is Blind, there will be so many failed relationships that would have been successes.  

If love is blind
I'll find my way with you
Cause I can't see myself
Not in love with you
If love is blind
I'll find my way with you

I have passed on many - many who have loved me and vice-versa - circumstances always forced me to use my head and it always sings Love ISN"T blind.

Are people like me, there are many of us, ever going to stop using our head and for once, make a decision with our heart?  I doubt.

Once you are a head person, you tend to skew that way.  There is no way, we can continue doing the same thing over and over again, and expect a different outcome - it doesn't happen.

The only way people like me can live in the moment for as long as the song plays - that love is blind...BUT THEN - the song title is IF love is blind...which means, Love isn't blind at all.

Sooner or later, whatever we are blind to, comes into our line of vision clearly.
If love is a state of mind, that is able to perpetuate for eternity, there will be less people breaking up, less people in divorce courts, less children growing up in incomplete homes.

It may have taken me a long time, to realise how much I value my independence but now that I have it, it's difficult to let go.
I try, to get blind-sided for a moment, but that's all the slack it can ever get - a moment.

Perhaps, my life took priority because of my responsibilities.  
Perhaps then, it's not my fault for being less blind!

Valentine's Day | Savvy Entertaining

May 15, 2016

Why the need to Preach?

Perhaps, I have grown up in a rote-learning medium, and repetition works for anything requiring exact recall.

So people PREACH.

I do not have a problem to read religious text or anything remotely acquainted with religion. BUT.  I have a problem when people try to do interpretation of a passage and cite examples from their life (presumably) and have the expectation that everyone will share their interpretation.

It's best to keep moral/ethical teachings simple.

Don't kill another person, because the law doesn't permit you to do so without repercussions on your present life.

There is no need to find a quote that is close to what you want to say and use that as a basis for arguing.

The more the compulsion, the more inaccurate the citations become.  I see it as a desperation to be right.

Every day, I have to put up with at least one person preaching.  It's annoying.

Chapter 3: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

If a child comes to me and says, he failed his Math,  I'm not going to tell him that he missed the proverb above.  BUT I surely will tell him he didn't do enough Math worksheets to grasp the concepts.

I heard a preacher make this connection a few weeks ago (not at a church since I retired that activity).

I believe in GOD.
BUT I do not think that GOD will appreciate that I trust him to a degree of totality that I will sit pretty and do nothing.

My understanding is : GOD will help those who help themselves.
My understanding is : I cannot get a PhD unless I sign up for the programme and attain the grades for the degree to be conferred.

SO I trust in GOD yet I lean unto my own understanding of the situation so that I can better adjust to meet expectations.

These are the half-baked preachers who shoot their mouths off to kids who do not know better.  Where is GOD now? Someone is polluting the minds of His creation.

It's okay to dish out advice - do it from experience, do it by the civil law book.  Don't do it because you think you can get away with it.

May 11, 2016

Divine Intervention?


I was amused but surprised that it's just not the Americans who are involved in the coming US Presidential Election.

The entire world is TIRED of reading reports on acts of terror.  Common folk can do nothing except pray for the politicians to do more, in terms of security so that children and people can go about their lives and perish when it is their time and NOT when some misaligned interest group decides their end.

Society is paranoid, but not enough.
A lot still think that it won't happen to us - which is why acts of terror is still rampant.

Does it matter if we all had to report earlier for flight?
Will it matter if Immigration takes forever to give clearance?

People don't want to be inconvenienced yet when tragedy strikes, they will be the first to protest.

I have supported Trumps nomination from the start because I believe that he has the balls to say what the world needs to hear.  This world has been too POLITICALLY CORRECT that the terrorists have taken us all to be jokes.

We don't want to single out any belief based group, but the occurrences have not helped us otherwise.

So I support the petition to the Divine - we need a fresh pair of eyes and a clear mind, free of bias to stand up for the rights of the world - the right to save the planet from global warming rather than trying to figure out when and where the next murder(s) will take place.

We have bigger issues on this earth than having to tolerate pockets of people who think killing another is their meal ticket to being a saint.