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November 20, 2008

dual color for the tree

I have finally decided to forget about blue lights - I thought yellow lights would break the monotony. It's prettier like this, not so boring.
Anyways, let's see if I'll change my mind again - will let it sit for a couple of days and once I decide, I'll finish dressing up the tree. Perhaps then, I'll feel better.
So far, the cats haven't climbed the tree yet - all other years before, they were very busy late at night re-decorating the tree.
I''m not sure what's going on top of the tree - it's usually star, but well, i may want to look for something different. Let's see what I come up with since i still have time, it's not even december yet....I've never taken this long to do a tree - it's usually done like at one go....but well, change is sometimes good. At least I would like to think so. And because I have tons of other chores to get done, this is the least stressful way. If I could only just not have this compulsion to keep moving furniture around, I think housework will be manageable. But old habits die hard - and it's just one of those things I do as therapy, when I have not decided to haul out the paint brushes - which is definately a lot more work. I wouldn't rule it out, but lets see what happens.
I haven't painted any walls this year and it's been the worst year in terms of stress, which means I'm still coping. My last resort for anything is to paint. It could also be it's because I'm quite tied up with work which doesn't leave me with much time to actually go get cans of paint. It might change once I'm done with the last project before the close of the year...so let's see.
I do have some idea which wall needs to be repainted - it's just when the stress is going to hit me and painting is the only thing that would fix my mind.

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