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November 25, 2008

what i got to do, i got to do

When it comes to having patience, I would be one of those who has very little of it.
Time is very precious to me - I learnt this from having to be a juggler of work, mothering, maid, owner to different species of pets and whatever else that comes my way in terms of responsibilities and commitments. Therefore, when I had to wait 7 days for a response from the authority about my gf's 13-year old, that almost cost me a blown fuse. I didn't have patience when I was told at 10am that the person would return my call, so when the return call didn't get to me, I called them at a 2-hourly interval. Finally, my phone rang, this morning, exactly 8 days. They were coming to see me.

I did tell them that no matter how busy, an email would suffice - I needed to know where they were at - if I didn't care enough, I wouldn't bother. I am sure, in that 45 minutes they were in my home, they could sum me up - I didn't mince my words - I was as cut and dry as I come.

I reminded them that as caseworkers, their job was to put the welfare of the child foremost - forget about what the parents were doing to each other - the child needs to come first and that we were not required to take sides or even form an impression. People need to be reminded, simply because when they read a file, they think oh, what a screwed up person etc etc., which is really uncalled for. No one, deserves such judgement - unless you are the injured party - onlookers should just be aware of the facts and work for the best solution for the child -

They seem to have digested my email well, having remembered where I last worked in their industry. They seem impressed and I'm not embarassed to say that they should be. I may be really empathy-less and cut n dry at work, but most times, when dealing in social services, that is required. Why bother about crying with the client if we cannot provide a workable solution. Why bother to get all emotional when they are in dire straits because someone has to be able to think straight and it ain't going to be the client.

I don't know what I am getting myself into - all I know that, it's what I got to do.
I cannot leave this kid there.

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