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November 09, 2008

undergrad vs postgrad

The worst thing that can happen to a student is, to assume something about an assignment that isn't quite correct.
For weeks, we have all (classmates and me) been casually discussing our proposal, which is way overdue. This isn't critical because the later you submit for approval, the later you start, that's all. And because we are all last-minutes monsters, we tend to drag our feet.

Having said that, and having had numerous discussions and one serious planning session - I got down to the proposal proper yesterday and decided to (as usual) open the outline and guide as a reference. Late means, no mistakes permitted in terms of delivery.

To my horror, this proposal didn't mean we do a skeleton with some meat on the bones. It meant the same length as any written assignment with probably the same number of references. See, we all need to get past this idea that we are undergrads - we don't seem to be able to move forward and look at stuff from that standpoint. Perhaps, that's why we don't seem to be able to get away doing flippant work.

On top of this, the other deadline is not fully done, it's 3/4 done, not fully - so I haven't been lazing about but actually working my butt off - it takes forever to deliver an online academic answer, because once you submit it, it's submitted, you cannot take it back.

Now I realise where the problem is : I still think I'm an undergrad - I still think I can get away with last minute readings and work - 2 semesters and I should know that I cannot get away and I should be more committed to getting the grades that I need.

It's a nightmare to finally come to grips with this, because next semester our huge research begins with a module in stats - not the best thing to wake up to, but it's definately better than to still be in dreamland. I know I have had to juggle lots this entire year, but academically, it's still not reason enough for me a reason.

Just a thought : If postgrad is so much more demanding, why are they charging us huge fees! after all, we are putting in all the freakking mind power just to get going with the first para.....

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